Remorce, on 10 June 2012 - 06:27 PM, said:
To op, Its pretty clear that I think you are crazy and wrong, and you think the same of me so I don't think it would get us anywhere by arguing more points back and forth cause each side has its own merits.
There is also a pair of 480's going for 125 bucks a piece right now. Can find some great deals. If anybody is interested, i'll give you the link. However, you do have to have 50 posts to access that area to prevent spam/scamming.
That's hardly retail though. TPU, HardOCP, and many other hardware websites do the same thing, selling used or collected hardware to other users. But all price listings here, and this guide is based on, current retail prices and values. Not everyone trusts those websites (I do, but good luck convincing say, my grandma for an example) and also there is no guarantee there will be someone there still selling them at that price in say, a month, whereas retail values rarely change quickly.
And... how exactly am I crazy and wrong for using what data is in one of the most in depth review sites, giving legitimate links, bringing up points of tasks people might be doing other than gaming, but making gaming the main focus, and using retail data instead of speculative data?
Edited by Vulpesveritas, 10 June 2012 - 06:43 PM.