Desirsar, on 15 December 2012 - 01:28 PM, said:
Every poll I make is to trick people into posting in my thread, once you respond to a poll (and how could you not? it's a four click way to express your opinion online!) then the thread has a star in it and people feel compelled to keep coming back to threads they've already been to, like a killer returning to the scene of the crime. I could care less what anyone votes although it would tickle me if the forum ever came down the right way on an issue instead of keeping their OP BS and citing the real world (lol at "missiles should be good they are tracking heat signatures") and table top rules instead of solid game design in order to support keeping their BS. Guess what this isn't called battletech (a failed game), it's not called multiplayer battletech (also a failed game so take that to heart), and it definitely isn't called battletech/mechwarrior (AOL-Timewarner anyone?). Good game design is paramount, not blind adherence to the past or FOTM builds. ED: I think the forums are mostly hardcore battletech fans, definitely more than half and I'd say and probably almost all.
MECHwarrior is a proud franchise that has always been fun to play and has entertained a loooot of people, it has such mass appeal, it's up there with age of empires in terms of beloved by many. Battletech on the other hand is extremely niche, I have a feeling that every battletech fan with a modern computer bought a founders package, but that not every founders package was bought by a battletech fan. That puts hardcore battletech fans at like what, 25,000-50,000 people IN THE WORLD or something? Who cares what you think is my opinion and this game is gonna suck if the devs listen to you.
Every time someone says "This game should be like that other game from that bankrupt company, you know, the game that failed!" I die a little inside.
Anyways, that's a brief little rant against most of the people in this thread, as for the ones who actually addressed game balance issues on to you guys...
Kaziganthi, on 15 December 2012 - 11:07 AM, said:
Imagine ECM is not in the game, and you load in on caustic valley, at the factory spawn. Guess where you are headed? E5/D4. Hold on the edge of the Calderra behind cover (so they can't LRM you) and camp until the other team gets bored of camping and rushes out and dies, or your team (assuming pugs) get bored and rushes out and dies. At this point people on the team that rushed out and tried to have fun start saying "stupid noob team".
This is not tactical, this is repeatable and almost scientific. That is what EVERY game of Caustic valley was. Oh wait, you're right, I forgot some other strategies... Like the 3-line rush :-/
LRMs are completely OP, they need their damage brought WAY down otherwise all they encourage is boating and camping, neither of which is good for the game. LRMs are why most maps only had one strategy "camp this spot that LRMs can't hit", why some spawns were considered "better" than other spawns, and why no one besides missile users got to have any fun.
Vernius Ix, on 15 December 2012 - 09:07 AM, said:
Try again please
Well based on the fact that the devs invented ECM to destroy overpowered SSRM2s I'd say the usage stats that I don't have access to are pretty damning. Furthermore, do you win? Do you pug? Any build on any mech can win in a pug, but can it win in 8s? No. SRM6 ravens cannot win in 8s without being carried. The Raven 3L is the only light mech in this game because no other light mech can beat it in a 1v1 if it is packing streaks, except another Raven 3L packing streaks. In the 8v8 environment you are dead weight. In the 4s environment you can do a medium laser yen-lo-wang with no weapon in the arm and win, I've had that guy farming c-bills in his zombie wang on my team before and I carried him to a win, so that guy could come on the forums and post the same crap you are posting.
Khobai, on 15 December 2012 - 07:24 AM, said:
Streaks lock-on, but hit random locations, and use ammo.
Lasers don't lock-on, but can pinpoint specific locations, do their damage over time, but don't use ammo.
Ballistics don't lock-on, can pinpoint specific locations, do lots of damage at once, but use ammo.
I still haven't heard anything but visceral disgust when I say that "hey maybe medium lasers should lock on too and hit a random torso!" Because of how OBVIOUSLY bad of an idea it is for a weapon to do that... However with SSRM2 it's okay because different weapons have different advantages and disadvantages, yeah, that makes a lot of sense! Buzzwords!
Last but not least, I think we all want this game to succeed so try and take a step back and see this game from the perspective of all 16 players in a game; LOWS stop looking like such a good system... Anyone who hasn't had the chance to pilot a 3L please do so 2xMPL+Tag/3ML + 2xSRM2 + XL295 + ECM + DHS + Endo, FF if you want to max armor but you can strip the arms and legs a tiny bit if you want to save money. I think anyone who runs that build will stop thinking that streaks are balanced if they have a single shred of objective reasoning in them.
Edited by Captain Midnight, 15 December 2012 - 03:44 PM.