You've Lost Me To Mwll
Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:51 AM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:54 AM
GrabbleRus, on 16 December 2012 - 09:42 AM, said:
Original non-criticalled up-to-ten heatsinks are double, if DHS is installed. All others, including "in the engine" heatsinks for ratings above 270, are at 1.4
When the in-engine heatsinks went up, it didn't break the game, did it? No... it didn't... but someone I know with a 1ERPPC Jenner, or another with a 2LPL Jenner, are certainly reaping the benefits. It took me most of a whole Atlas-K when I mechbuilt, to make 2 PPCs heat-viable enough to be used as a main gun. WE RAN OUT OF CRITS, MAN! And he still couldn't lay on them with abandon... what exactly is being shown favor? I can't stand driving an Atlas, only one I own is a Founders' and I've barely ridden in it enough to find the seatwarmer, and even I think the big guys need something (and NO, it's NOT ECM) for their trouble.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:57 AM
1. Engine heat sinks that come with the engine. These are 2.0.
2. Internal heat sinks that you can put inside the engine. These are 1.4.
3. External heat sinks that you have to put outside the engine. These are 1.4
So a 195 engine comes with seven engine heat sinks that are 2.0, you need to put three more external heat sinks to get up to ten, these are 1.4.
A 300 engine comes with ten engine heat sinks that are 2.0 and can hold two more internally. If you put those two in there, they are 1.4, and any external ones you put in are 1.4.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:00 AM
Kobura, on 16 December 2012 - 09:54 AM, said:
Original non-criticalled up-to-ten heatsinks are double, if DHS is installed. All others, including "in the engine" heatsinks for ratings above 270, are at 1.4
When the in-engine heatsinks went up, it didn't break the game, did it? No... it didn't... but someone I know with a 1ERPPC Jenner, or another with a 2LPL Jenner, are certainly reaping the benefits. It took me most of a whole Atlas-K when I mechbuilt, to make 2 PPCs heat-viable enough to be used as a main gun. WE RAN OUT OF CRITS, MAN! And he still couldn't lay on them with abandon... what exactly is being shown favor? I can't stand driving an Atlas, only one I own is a Founders' and I've barely ridden in it enough to find the seatwarmer, and even I think the big guys need something (and NO, it's NOT ECM) for their trouble.
The boogeyman in question where not PPCs, ER PPCs, LPLs or whatever high heat weapons we may think of when we worry about heat. The samle build was a CIcada Medium Laser boat.
The conclusion culd have been that the Medium Laser is overpowered, not that DHS are overpowered.
Whatever. Maybe the buffs to LLs, ERLLs, ERPPCs, PPCs and LPLs will achieve the same end result. Maybe. I am not optimistic, because I fear that the devs still refuse to accept what the underlying problem of their weapon balance system is, and we have to go through agonizing long patch/rebalance phases for every new weapon that will ever be introduced. And eve if they fix those high heat weapons so they are viable with DHS, stock mechs still won't get any better in the process.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:01 AM
GrabbleRus, on 16 December 2012 - 09:51 AM, said:
this is kind of my reaction to a thread like this. if OP said you've lost me to PS2, or Hawken, or something like that then okay. but LL is DEAD. its like saying you've lost me to mechwarrior 2. good luck with that.
this game has a ton of problems and quite a few competitors, but MWLL is not one of them.
Edited by Broceratops, 16 December 2012 - 10:01 AM.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:01 AM
GrabbleRus, on 16 December 2012 - 09:42 AM, said:
Yeah - on the engine DHS, the respected third party MWO Mechbay-Mechlab-Statlab is wrong. I thought everyone knew that.

Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:02 AM
GrabbleRus, on 16 December 2012 - 09:56 AM, said:
you can find it in the guides section, we are telling you its so, you can look it up yourself.
MWLL is dead because IGP sent them a cease and desist....at least thats my memory of it.
So yeah, MWLL is a dead project barring a miracle.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:03 AM
Kobura, on 16 December 2012 - 09:54 AM, said:
Original non-criticalled up-to-ten heatsinks are double, if DHS is installed. All others, including "in the engine" heatsinks for ratings above 270, are at 1.4
When the in-engine heatsinks went up, it didn't break the game, did it? No... it didn't... but someone I know with a 1ERPPC Jenner, or another with a 2LPL Jenner, are certainly reaping the benefits. It took me most of a whole Atlas-K when I mechbuilt, to make 2 PPCs heat-viable enough to be used as a main gun. WE RAN OUT OF CRITS, MAN! And he still couldn't lay on them with abandon... what exactly is being shown favor? I can't stand driving an Atlas, only one I own is a Founders' and I've barely ridden in it enough to find the seatwarmer, and even I think the big guys need something (and NO, it's NOT ECM) for their trouble.
Got Cata C1 with 225XL, JJ, ~33 single HS and 2 ER PPC. Pretty good. Through PPCs need a buff. It's still much worse than a gausspult. And yeah, lights certainly are getting lots of love here.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:05 AM
SpiralRazor, on 16 December 2012 - 10:02 AM, said:
you can find it in the guides section, we are telling you its so, you can look it up yourself.
MWLL is dead because IGP sent them a cease and desist....at least thats my memory of it.
So yeah, MWLL is a dead project barring a miracle.
There has been no C&D from IGP.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:05 AM
Broceratops, on 16 December 2012 - 10:01 AM, said:
this is kind of my reaction to a thread like this. if OP said you've lost me to PS2, or Hawken, or something like that then okay. but LL is DEAD. its like saying you've lost me to mechwarrior 2. good luck with that.
this game has a ton of problems and quite a few competitors, but MWLL is not one of them.
Hence my comments on Community Warfare, that'll...hopefully...be a game changer. THE game-changer.
Right now it's just a series of brawls strung together by a bank account...I find more fun in MWLL for that (omigod aerospace)... so once the balance changes, I'll be like a good science nut and re-evaluate! But I've...really...lost faith. Like I said, basically curbstomping what has already been voiced pretty-please kindly nice with LRMs on top in many ways by many respectable people, not including myself (as far as respectable, but yes I've asked), when someone says "Let us beta test this idea" "No"
What...is that? Where is that going? It's an ever-darker place I'm seeing ahead.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:14 AM
Ghogiel, on 16 December 2012 - 09:49 AM, said:
Also16 player issues in MWLL. check what the player response to the server admin polls on this issue. It works fine for most people until about 24 players.
AC2s and 5s are using bullet code :/
Yep the Vulture works after they downgraded the LRM20s to 15s. Now its a lightly armored Catapult with no Jumpjets.
And it depends on the server, Huntress for example couldn't handle more than 16 without having issues. Despite that they'd set it at 28-32 after being told theirs couldn't do it. The only servers I knew that could get 24 with no issues were TLL, but they aren't populated very much.
The mod itself is great, but the community is lacking. Now in numbers, but before the drop off, they whined way too much.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:31 AM
Thorn Hallis, on 16 December 2012 - 02:09 AM, said:
Actually playing with those 50 people is fun. If you have a question while in-game, they will gladly tell you how to do it. They don't complain, they just play it. The gameplay is likewise very well balanced so far. Mechs dominate over vehicles if used correctly. There is no ECM stealth/anti-lock mode, it simply reduces radar signature and lock-on time. AutoCannons are freaking awesome to use. Mods rarely garner much attention anyways, but I always fire up MW:LL once in a while to see if one of their servers is close to full. If not, I play MWO or MW3/4 SP.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:37 AM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:47 AM
Kobura, on 16 December 2012 - 01:19 AM, said:
Constant rebalancing, attention to the community, no shrouding or mystery or invisible changes
Developer-provided statistics (as scant as they are), no useless sidegrades (double heatsinks)
No throw'n'see'what'sticks balancing
Forever free purchased once (this from a Founder)
I'm not revoking my package to hedge my bets against the game pulling out of whatever spiral its' in, but seeing
Q: Can we please at least try DHS at 2.0? It doesn't seem like much of a boost to lights who usually benefit mostly from the engine heat sinks, but heavies and assaults that use big energy weapons need the boost. [Wolfways]
A: No. (snip explanation)
My confidence was shattered. So here we've an outcry to try something and we're told No... so, we're not betatesters, we're egotesters, who happen to crowdfind bugs... I'm not in the habit of boosting ego artificially, so, seeya when they realize what an 'old-style open beta' is about (crowdsourcing ideas...)
How many freakin' time do they have to explain DHS on lights were OP?
It's been said about 10 times, a light mech shouldn't be able to alpha strike 8~10 times in a row for 30 damage. So you can either have that, or heat problems on bigger mechs. WHICH THEY'RE ALSO GOING TO ADJUST PPCs AND L LASERS ANYWAY. I just don't get it.
If they put DHS at 2.0 you would just cry about getting owned by lights. So I guess you're just going to cry anyway because it's more important to you to be able to fire all 3 ER PPCs on your trial Awesome 9M over and over. Good riddance.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 11:08 AM
Your argument completely fails in light of oh...facts?
Edited by SpiralRazor, 16 December 2012 - 11:08 AM.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 11:09 AM
SpiralRazor, on 16 December 2012 - 09:47 AM, said:
Try doing some research before you post.
I am a little cofused. I am truly not trying to be offensive here. How do you think DHS work? We have up to 10 in the engine, and a rating 275+ gets additional in the engine. At what efficiency do they work? What about external heatsinks?
I know how they are working, but I am not sure what your understanding is. I would love to contribute to the DHS discussion here, but I would like to know what is being said by whom so that I can try and be accurate, and so that I can be corrected if I am mistaken.
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