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You've Lost Me To Mwll

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#121 Dirus Nigh


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:35 PM

A point on map the number of maps in MWO vs MWLL.

MWO has a small staff. MWLL's player base is larger than MWO's staff. Any MWLL player that has the skill, time, and will to make a map can do so then load it into the game. I have played on allot of creative maps in MWLL because of this. And again MWLL has had five years for people to make maps for them.

What it really comes down to is personal preference. Do you like Ford or Chevy?

#122 Klaus


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:49 PM

View PostTickdoff Tank, on 16 December 2012 - 11:10 AM, said:

Same question for you, how do you think DHS are working right now? What levels of dissipation are they providing in the engine, what about the "extras" in large engines, and what about the external heatsinks?

I don't really understand what your point is. Do you feel the lights get even more of an advantage out of them now and shouldn't be compared to heavies and assault? Have you even ever piloted a Cicada 2A with 6 medium lasers? Or do you just run around in some ******** custom Awesome 9M and overheat while crying the game sucks? PPCs and L Lasers sucks, not the heat sinks.

What you're not looking at is that all mechs, light all the way to assault, have the pretty much the same amount of slots. So technically they could all fix near the same amount of heat sinks. The only limit is their WEIGHT which is an advantage for HEAVIER mechs.

Getting a full 2.0 on the engine heat sinks is more helpful to light mechs, but they still aren't running PCCs and Large Pulse lasers. No one is. BECAUSE THEY'RE BAD. The problem is truly in the weapons themselves, not the heat sinks. You could put 6 medium lasers in an Awesome and better heat dissipation than in a Cicada just because of weight limits. If they 'fix' PCCs and L Lasers are they still aren't viable, then it would be time to be upset. Not now when you know they're changing them.

#123 MadManJames


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Posted 18 December 2012 - 12:52 AM

View PostOy of MidWorld, on 17 December 2012 - 01:26 PM, said:

Hmm, i feel like i'm 100% right...

If you add this to your user.cfg, it takes care of that trapped in a box fov...

cl_fov = 80

That'd make me 2/5ths right in your opinion?

POV is still in the middle of the seat in your cockpit, instead of the back.

#124 CMDR Sunset Shimmer


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Posted 18 December 2012 - 03:43 AM

LL would be fine if there were dedicated servers that hosted MECH ONLY matches.

I'm so tired of playing Combined Warfare when people IGNORE THE DAMN TANKS!

#125 Xarg Talasko


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Posted 19 December 2012 - 03:22 AM

This is going to sound a little condescending, but I tend to think of people who ignore tanks outright as the MW4 generation, where an assault tank went down in 2 PPC hits because I assume that the game autorolled killer crits on it. You can't just ignore tanks in MWLL. You can, but you can't. Allow me to elaborate.

Is the vehicle a Harasser or Chevalier? It's lightly armoured, and generally packs light weaponry. Raw force can usually force it to flee, or kill it outright. Only the flamer Harasser is remotely dangerous to anyone that isn't a Battle Armour or Light 'Mech.

Hephaestus? That's a lot tougher to kill outright, and packs moderate firepower. Good Mediums or most Heavy/Assault can outright kill this, or force it to flee. This is a real danger to Lights, though.

Oro? Here the firepower starts ramping up, but it's rather weak. Focused fire on a single section will quickly bring this tank down.

Huitzilopochtli? This is mainly AA tank (the Prime) or artillery focused variant, and the Arrow IV's can be dodged by fast assets, it is slow and not very well armoured. Not too hard to kill. It's also very expensive for a non-Prime variant, and landing a kill on this will boost your finances considerably, and if TC or ticket-based TSA, will heavily punish the other team's ticket count.

Demolisher? This is an ASSAULT tank. It's also, barring the twin gauss variant, exclusively short ranged. You can defeat this tank utterly by a. not being near it, or b. leaving the person driving it to sit alone in a base not helping their team, and contributing to the war effort on another front. It takes a long time for this vehicle to travel between battles, and is quite susceptible to kiting.

The Morrigu is the real issue here, since it's a long ranged Clan fire support tank. Even then, it crumples under focused fire, and travels very slowly. I fear a well played Shadowcat more than I fear a Morrigu 90% of the time. Unless Freeborn_Toad is in the Morrigu, then I just go elsewhere.

Long Tom Artillery? This is a very, very, very weak (hp wise) vehicle. It is slow, has no secondary weaponry, can easily be defeated by nearly anything in the game, has very distinctive firing sounds (if you're near, a huge boom, if a shell passes overhead, a muted roaring noise, and the explosion of the shells is loud and flashy.) Unless you get taken out by the shell, it should only take 1 shot for you to know there is an LTA in the area, and you can even back-track the projectile to get a fairly accurate idea of where it is deployed. It has no GECM defenses, so you can spot it on radar quite easily, it needs C3 support from C3 equipped units to reach its full distance of fire, and the shells take a long time to travel.

I really don't want to end this post with something derogatory about MW4, but if you have come fresh from that game, and expect tanks to be a total pushover (why would anyone even use one, if they were that pathetic?), then I can sympathise with why you're feeling put out over it. I notice Oy once again talking about overpowered tanks, and since he won't disclose the situation or what he was piloting, I can only assume he thought the tank would roll over and die, and sat still in front of a dual AC/20 demolisher and (rightly), got his butt whooped. A famous man is credited with saying, "Information is ammunition", but I'm seeing a few posts here claiming they shouldn't need ammunition, because a look that can kill should suffice.. well, joke's on you.

#126 MEGABOT 5


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Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:36 AM

Both games are fun :)

#127 Dirus Nigh


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 09:12 PM

Yes they are. :rolleyes:

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