To be honest, the other night, and it was not 1 kill but 5 in a single match. I made a few changes to my CTF 2X. Basically slapped in a ac20 instead of a ac10 and did some other tweeks with weapons to make it fit. So drop with a friend who is running a ecm atles he uses to just annoy the crap out of people at range.
First mech we see is a commando who comes in to fire a few srm's and run off. Well the mech was doing well tell it decided to run straight at me. I had just configured a alpha strike button on mouse (first time ever) so I hit it and the mech just up and died. Head shot or cored out, no clue, but that make me like my new config.
For a while we are popping people who come to the ridge to fire at us. Then a Cent crosses the ridge, and he gets hammered, and is running home, I manage to get one last shot off on the guy. And he just up and died. SWEET
so we start pushing them back form the ridge, and I can see they are heavily damaged. More then our guys and we outnumber them a mech or 2 (we did take some losses). So decide it was time to push over the ridge, and tell the people in chat this. I cross first and others followed. I get a hunchback in the open, who I proceed to just destroy as it had no CT armor. Ac20 and a srm take him out.
there is 3 of them left, a CTF, hunchback and a jenner. We all start shooting at the CTF and he is quickly taken out. I had left that guy to chance the hunchback who had the jenner for support. I then realize my friends are behind me and I am 2 vs 1. These 2 should have taken me out but my ac20 again works as intended. Take a shot and rip open the side torso of the hunch and take out most of the guys weapons. alternating weapons I can open the rest of him in short order.
Ok last mech, the jenner who had done a decent amount of damage to me. My friends are arriving now but then jenner seamed to be a good pilot so could take me out still. Already lost my back armor,a arm and low armor every ware else. The jenner rushes behind a building going right. I guessed he would come back and line up my sights where I expect him. sure enough he popes out and right into my sights straight towards me. I again use my new alpha button as I am cool now and want to finish this. WAM game over. the guy was well armored still so guessing head shot. But what a match. The 4 of us that lived are down to almost no armor also a few luck shots could have changed the match.
but what makes this a satisfying favorite kill is the 2 alphas that take out near perfect lights who are almost always the hardest to kill. Made me smile. That and a lot of luck.
Edited by GT Hawk, 18 December 2012 - 06:41 AM.