Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:32 PM
Definately the first to say I was bad at mechs, I dont deny that. But, I was top dog twice myself tonight. The lrm boat thing, thats jsut not me, i think it lasted 8 rounds and i went back to how i play.... ballistics. Weird.. in world of tanks, the game u call dumbed down, indirect fire from across the map, does not auto aim. However, direct fire does. It's reasonable to assume the crew is putting forth a certain amnt of effort towards sighting in. Here its the opposite.
I mentioned the lrm boating on my own part to show that one player, skill level remaining static, can score three times better using lrms as thir primary weapon... balance needs to be found. I got the higher average scores sadly, using far less effort too. This is why every mech fan boy under the sun wants to maintain their current state, It makes it easy ti kill new players.
Guys with the awesome scores.. those are awesome scores. My best so far was a phract 3d w 2 ultra 5s and 3 med pulse 760ish i think. Im far from a nub pub but, im also far below guys who hand out 1400 dmg.
Those pics really drive the ultimate issue home re MM, look at the disparity in skill. My god man.. what noob new player would stay more than 4 rounds versus you. We need to dilute you, by growing the polulation so running into YOU is a rarity. I see the same names way too often I know the reason they hide the counter, you all do. You probably dont want to see the number.
I have scored top, once or twice, solo dropping it can happen, but thats 2% of the time. Tonight a friend finally played with me, yay. Wot buddy. We won most of our games. I went less suicidal and he alwaus kciks *** so two pll made a huge impact in a number of games. Alot of Phract 4x spam XD. You super experienced founders could consign yourself to groups of 2, heck even sync drop.. then you can kill your buddy and gloat. Im terrible in comparison to most of you at the moment I am sure, so if I can do well w 1 bud, you can too. That said if you look at those pics you can plainly see, mr 1400 dmg, is as good as the rest of the players combined in his match.
LRM boating is absurdly easy. Just admit it. A guy says, but i hafta keep that lock. I ask, w artemis for how long? Comapre that to the skill you need to go to the front line and go toe to toe the entire match with balistics, somehow survive, and get a decent score. I comapre LRM boating in skill, to the skill required to leave the spawn, basic walking. Its that easy to peal 10% off a mech, under cover in many cases. Just click click click.
I am still playing. I can bear you for now. I am playing under the presumption things are jsut about to get better. I hope.
P.S. I am going to give you team dropping SOBs the pew pew skadoo when I see you.