A couple of thoughts on why I think some of the suggestions might not work very well.
1) Balancing by running cost is dangerous, because
a) It's negative in forcing you to not play something you would like to play.
b ) It's pay to win to an extent, with premium account etc. giving a big bonus.
c) once you are in a battle and someone stomps your cost-effective IS build with a clan monster, his running costs won't help you in any way.
d) sorry for the melodramatic bolding, but think about this for a while:
if high running costs are the balancing factor, the only people who can and will afford to run clantech will be 4-man death squads stomping pugs with 95% wins. NO thanks.
2) I don't think balancing by limiting numbers or BV (in random games at least) is a brilliant idea, because
a) given the chance I wouldn't hesitate a second to join a unit of elite pros about to stomp a larger number of cannon fodder. I don't know how many would disagree, though, would be interesting to find out. Note that even if your team blows, you're likely to get some damage done just because you're in such a powerful 'mech. On the opposing side, however...
b ) I don't really buy it that running fewer but better 'mechs is more difficult that running a horde of cannon fodder. If clan 'mechs are let's say 1.5X better, it means that every time you fire, you are automatically focusing firepower equivalent of 1.5 IS builds. If there are two of you, it's 3 vs 2 etc. And there are very few spots where it's even practical to try focusing a team of 8, so smaller numbers should almost always have the advantage.
c) because of a) and b ), IS tech would become rare, which might lead to smaller matches (if there is a BV cap in the game).
3) Limitation by XP requirements and purchase cost is probably a workable idea.This game could use some sense of achievement anyway.
I would rather see matches balanced by tiers. We have kind of already lost a lot of opportunity in tiering by not starting with the lowest BT tech levels, but maybe it would work if for example trials would be tier 1 (and you don't get the best designs as trials), IS is tier 2, IS with clan tech (with some limitations) is tier 3 (I don't even know if this would be a good idea, but let's include it as an example) and unlimited clan tech is tier 4. These tiers would be balanced on each side like they are in WoT now and the trials wouldn't probably need to ever see clantech.
In addition, there should be reasons for running IS gear. For example, no (or little) profit for you when running clan stuff (and no loss either). and perhaps huge XP and CB costs for getting clan stuff. Maybe even class-based xp so that to get one clan heavy you need to get lots of XP on IS heavies etc. These are just some quick ideas, but if there's interest they can be taken a lot further and would not only make it possible to include clan tech the way it's meant to be but perhaps make the rest of the game more interesting and motivating.
I also have to concur with one of the previous posters in saying that if the options are butchered and half-arsed clan tech or no clan tech at all, I wholeheartedly vote for the latter option. Clan tech is not a necessity, there is a LOT of IS stuff to work with, at least if the 'mechs retain enough character with the current hardpoint system.
Edited by AndyHill, 25 December 2012 - 10:31 AM.