Zyllos, on 07 January 2013 - 08:22 PM, said:
I figured having weapons which only converged with arms (but individual weapons on the arms themselves not converging) and torsos only firing straight would make weapons spread much more when firing from multiple locations while allowing for weapons in single locations to go where you aim them.
Would also think that having no RNG in the aiming would be easier to swallow while still producing more spread in weapons fire. But the original issue still remains, weapon convergence, or in my case, one of the six issues.
I'm completely in favor of this as a possible option to test. I (personally) don't think it will have enough of an effect (too easy to work around and some 'Mechs will be overpowered by nature of their HP configuration). It also doesn't lend itself well to adjustments based on heat/movement as a cone-of-fire would.
However, I just want something tested to address this issue.
Edited by HRR Insanity, 07 January 2013 - 08:31 PM.