I’ve been a fan of Battletech for as long as I can remember, I’ve stuck with the titles that have tried to stay true to Battletech and abandon the ones that are mockeries. I believe MWO is one of the ones that will stay true to it. I will try to be as brief as possible but in depth enough that I hope I can get my ideas across clearly.
This also ties in with Weapon Balance suggestions here: http://mwomercs.com/...ce-suggestions/
I would like to help that along with some suggestions and Feedback.
Sensors, ECM and Electronic Warfare
My suggestion for this is to give all Battlemechs something called a Mech Signature, or M-SIG. The M-SIG represents at what distance your mech can remain undetected and UNTARGETABLE by another Battlemech. A simple version of doing this is to give all mechs a M-SIG of 800. This means that one battle mech could detect another Battlemech at a distance of 800m.
The complicated version is that most mechs would have a M-SIG of 800 but some would have a M-SIG that is greater or lesser than the standard 800. This would be different between Battlemechs but could also be different between variants to help give some Battlemechs or variants a uniqueness to them.
Now the opposite of M-SIG is sensor strength. Sensor Strength represents a Battlemechs ability to detect a Battlemech and target them. For instance a Battlemech with a BAP would have a Sensor Strength of 200 allowing it to see Battlemechs as if they had a M-SIG 200 worse than what they actually have.
So M-SIG is basically your stealth efficiency. The lower your M-Sig the more stealthy you are, the higher your Sensor Strength the more adept you are at sniffing out stealthier mechs.
A M-SIG cannot be reduced to less than 100.
Many if not most feel that ECM is unbalanced. I feel this way myself, now if we were to incorporate the M-SIG idea above we could then allow ECM to reduce the M-SIG of the mech carrying it but also other friendly Battlemechs with-in that 200m Range to also gain the benefits of it. What this would do is allow ECM to be a great tool but not the “Be-All-End-All” Equipment it is right now, certainly useful but not a requirement as it is now.
ECM would no longer JAM streaks or LRM’s. Though with ECM and Sensors offline a mech could get down to 100 M-SIG, but could still be spotted by a friendly mech under 100m or TAG’d, or NARC’d.
ECM set to counter mode would disrupt an enemy’s ECM and or other abilities such as ECM, Null Sig or any other abilities, the ECCM Counter mode would still only counter one opposing ECM just as it does now.
In conjunction with ECM and M-SIG the next step is to allow Battlemechs to turn off their Active Sensors this is done so that a Battlemech can further reduce their M-SIG. Now when a Battlemech turns off their Active Sensors they will no long be able to Target enemy Battlemechs to see the condition of their mech and additionally be unable to lock on with Streak SRM’s and LRM’s. This feature helps put the Stealth or detection on their own hands and alternatively give a further role for scout mechs to discover them.
Beagle Active Probe works just as it did before but with one change, that change is a Sensor Strength boost of 200. This means that a Mech with a BAP can detect and Target a mech with a 200m Bonus to M-SIG
See Picture Attached Below:

Here is a list of both Positive and Negative effects that will Impact the M-SIG.
Things like ECM and Sensors off will reduce your M-SIG making you stealthier, alternative if you get hit by a TAG or a NARC they can significantly increase your M-SIG so that you can be detected and targeted from great distances.
ECM: -400 M-SIG
BAP: +200 to Sensor Strength
Sensors Off: -300 M-SIG
TAG: +600 M-SIG
NARC: +800 M-SIG
Heat: +0-100 M-SIG depending on heat level.
Electronic Warfare
Now with the M-Sig system in place the ability and role for scout mechs are even more important, though a Battlemech can now achieve a way to make them stealthier which allows for more dynamic combat and the importance of communication. Now as far as the spotting and transferring target locations as it is now, none of that has changed. That’s all the same, provided you have your sensors online. Which means that spotting is even more important against targets trying to be stealthy.
The Time it takes you to target a Battlemech with LRM’s or Streaks is entirely based upon the M-SIG of the Battlemech, the lower the M-SIG the longer it takes to lock on to the target. The Higher the M-Sig the faster you log on.
Additionally due to the change in M-SIG we can now have Artemis function purely off of M-SIG by not only having the lock on feature work but having the Missile Spread based upon M-SIG as well. The lower the M-SIG the bigger your missile spread but the higher the M-SIG of the target the tighter your Missile spread will be. Of course Artemis should once again be able to work indirectly.
Advanced Modules
Advanced modules is what I would like to see in the game. I saw some picture of another mech tree or pilot tree listing other abilities but I would like to throw this out there as a way to enhance abilities, weapons or piloting of a Battlemech by utilizing the Module system.
If an ability says: Module Slot, then it requires a Module slot to be functional. All of these abilities below are based upon Battlemechs only and as you can see leave a LOT of room for advancement and also allow for a lot of customization. Unlocking an ability does not unlock it globally and only unlocks it for that specific mech, which rewards pilots that pilot the same Battlemech.
Here is the picture followed by explanation of each ability.

Master Piloting (Yellow)
Crazy Ivan: Crazy Ivan can be done while standing Still and involves holding SHIFT and the Throttle Down key, or “D” for most of you. This move unbalances you but allows you to execute an instant 180 degree turn.
Melee: This ability once unlocked gives you access to Melee attacks – (See Melee section below)
Sidestep: This ability can be done by holding down the Shift + Turn right or Turn left key. This allows your mech to strafe one way or the other depending on your direction which allows your mech to be adept at city fighting for stepping out from behind cover and back into it.
Rear Mounts: This ability allows a Battlemech to have a Rear Facing Camera that can be accessed by having a Bound Key, this allows a Battlemech to mount weapons facing to the Rear when it is applicable. Not all Battlemechs can have Rear mounted weapons but some can, namely the Yen-Lo-Wang for one.
Master Ballistics: (Orange)
AC: Kinetic Impact (Module): AC: Kinetic Impact allows a Mechwarrior to fire their projectiles in such a way as to cause maximum kinetic impact. AC2’s have the kinetic impact of an AC5, AC5’s shake targets like an AC10, AC10 has the kinetic impact of a AC20 and a AC20 has the potential to destabilize a mech and potentially knocking it down. Effects Gauss as well.
AC: Double Tap (Module): This ability allows a mech pilot to push “Bound Key” to for whatever weapon is highlighted in their weapon grouping to ignore the standard reloading cycle to have the next shell instantly ready to load. This allows a mech to fire a ballistic weapon, then fire it again after 1 sec. However the downside to interrupting the standard reload cycle is the weapon now suffers a 400% reload time on the next shells. For instance if you fired a AC10 and did a Double Tap, after firing a Double Tap you would have to wait for 12 secs before you could fire your next round and 16 secs if it was a AC20. Works with Guass.
AC: High Explosives (Module): This ability would give ballistics weapons a small splash damage effect equal to 5% of the total damage done to additional locations or the nearest location in the event you fired at the ground. However also note that up close pointblank your Battlemech would also take damage as well. Does not work with Gauss.
AC: A.R.M.(Module): Stands for Advanced Reloading Mechanism. The ARM decreases the chance for a Battlemech to jam an AC by 50% and speeds up unjamming a jammed AC by 50%. Additionally this module speeds up the Double Tap reload speed by 25%.
Advanced Energy
Flamers: Fire Bug (Module): This ability allows a mech with Two or more flamers to set a Fire Template 50m in radius. All mechs in the Fire template, including your mech continuous to take additional heat ever second they remain in the Fire effect. A Fire Template effect lasts for 20 secs.
PPC: EMP (Module): This ability allows PPC’s to have a slight EMP effect on them knocking out a mechs HUD temporarily and has a chance to cause a mech to unlock all targets.
Lasers: Energy Transference (Module): This ability allows a mech to transfer 5% of all laser damage done to the target as additional heat.
Lasers: Energy Throughput (Module): This ability allows lasers to fire and deal their damage 25% faster but also suffers a 15% increase to cycle time.
Advanced Missiles
LRM: Hot Load (Module) A Battlemech with this ability has a minimum range of 90m on all LRM’s equipped. However if a LRM launcher takes damage it explodes and deals damage equal to the size of the launcher. LRM5 = 5 damage, LRM10 = 10 damage, ect ect.
LRM: Bombard (Moduel) A mech with this ability and at least 20 LRM’s can fire their LRM indirectly as a Bombard Template. The template size is determined by the number of LRM’s fired, the more LRM’s the bigger the template. A Mech does not need to have a lock on a Battlemech and has a minimum range of 500m and a maximum range of 1200m with a LRM Bombard Template. Any enemy Battlemech within a Bombard Template suffers 1 point of damage to all locations.
SRM: Extened Range (Module) A mech’s SRMs do not explode until 400m but continue to spread after 270m
SRM: Limited Lock (Module) A mech with this ability gains limited lock on ability with SRM’s. SRM’s can now lock onto targets with the stipulation that once fired there is a 25% chance per missile of that SRM maintaining lock, otherwise it continues straight where it’s aimed.
Advanced Electronics
AMS: Extended Range (Module): An AMS equipped on this mech gains 100m additional range bringing the total AMS range up to 300m.
AMS: Lightening Reaction (Module): An AMS equipped on this mech gains an increased chance to intercept SRM’s and SSRMs
EW: Increased Signature (Module) A enemy Battlemech targeted by this mech suffers +100 M-SIG as it is targeted by Advanced Electronics.
EW: Omni Pulse (Module): A Battlemech equipped with this Module and a Tag or Narc gains Omni Pulse which allows unguided Friendly LRM’s a 15% chance to lock on to the target of the Narc or Tag and home in.
Advanced Piloting (You can only gain access to Advanced piloting by completing Master piloting)
AP: Sprint (Module) A Battlemech equipped with this module can now Sprint. Sprinting allows a 25% increase to Maximum speed however a Battlemech Sprinting suffers from un-stabilized which means if they go over rough terrain, clips a building, or suffers significant damage the mech will be knocked down. Additionally because a mech is not built for sprinting it taxes a mechs fusion plant to supply the power necessary and as a result a mech continuous to heat up regardless of heat efficiency and gains 5% heat a sec as long as Sprint is activated.
AP: Melee Weapons (Module) A mech with this module equipped can purchase and equip melee weapons on their Battlemech if Able: Hatchet, Sword, Club, Diamond tipped claws (Yen-Lo-Wang). These weapons are used just like normal melee attack (See Melee section) Not all mechs can use Melee weapons.
AP: Kick (Module) A mech with this module can now preform a Melee Kick. A Melee kick is a devastating attack that deals significant damage to another Battlemechs lower legs or torso. (See melee Section)
AP: Jump (Module) A mech equipped with this module can make their mech preform a short hop to gain the necessary height to scale landscape outside of jumpjets. Notice some mechs are more capable of jumping than others such as the Cicada. A Battlemech Jumping suffers from un-stabilized and if not successful stands a chance to fall down.
See video for quick explanation.
(Video Comming, It's done but Movie maker is causing me grief, this is my third attempt. Movie maker is a mystery to me and I didn't feel like taking the time to make a movie in 3DSMax)
Rare Salvage
Rare salvage is a feature I would like to see implemented into the game. After every game every player that earned a certain amount of XP gains a chance to earn “Rare Salvage” As the name implies this is something that is rare, say 1 out of every 20 games or even 1 out of every 30 games would be how often a player would gain access to Rare Salvage.
See Pictures 1 and 2

Rare Salvage represents Named parts, specifically names weapons, names engines or other unique equipment in the Battletech universe. Until now all of our equipment is basically generic stuff but named equipment offers a slightly different take on the same weapon.
Rare Salvage isn’t like regular equipment, if Rare Salvage gets damaged you have to PAY C-bills to repair it or pay for Ammo required. Running Rare salvage might give your mech a slight edge but you’ll pay through the nose in C-bills if you die without making a good showing.
Rare salvage isn’t Better, rare salvage is just different and has both benefits and detriments
For instanced the Martel Medium laser would still be 1 ton but takes up 3 slots, in addition to that the Martel Medium laser would deal 6 Damage over the regular Medium lasers 5.
A Zues PPC would take up 6 slots but weigh 5 tons.
A Pitman STD Engine would only take up 4 Slots but have an increase in weight which would allow you to slightly break the mold on some Battlemechs. For instance a Pitman STD engine wouldn’t help out an Atlas D-DC at all, but having a Pitman STD Engine on a Centurion would allow the Centurion to gain access to 4 slots to fill its 2 energy hard points.
A Luxor D Series AC20 would only deal 18 damage but have both projectile speed and range of an AC10.
These are not set it stone these are just a few examples to give the developers some ideas.
If you had no use for the Rare salvage you could sell it on the Black Market for a sizable amount of C-bills or you could buy Rare Salvage one the Black Market for a Large amount of C-bills or a small amount of MC.
See Picture:

Campaign Mode
Campaign mode is a slight variation on the old Conquest mode with a single difference. The ability to respawn, the game isn’t complete until the score limit is reached.
Allow me to explain how respawns work.
All Battlemechs are dropped into the game with their custom variants and the game insues and plays out, players stay dead until their team earns the right for their team to respawn.
Respawns are earned gaining R-Points:
Taking an enemy node – (Awards 1 R-Point)
Taking 2 neutral points: (Awards 0.5 R points per Neutral sight capped)
Destroy Enemy mech : (Awards 0.2 R-Points)
Here is where it gets tricky, a player spawning can only respawn at a non-contested friendly controlled point. (They get dropped in via a Dropship) The Battlemech they respawn as is determined by the R-points they’ve or their Team has accumulated for them.
1-R-point – Trial Mech Light or Medium
2 R-Points – Trial mech Heavy or Assault
3 R –Points – Mech they initially started the match with.
Once you respawn your personal R-Points are wiped out, so you have to go out and earn more R-points or have your team earn more R-points to win you the right to respawn again.
So fights are constantly over locations to not only gain the most points but to help your team to respawn. Even if you’re the last person alive you can still try and take an enemy location and win the right for your team to respawn.
Edited by Carrioncrows, 04 April 2013 - 02:16 AM.