I notice most people that are reporting a thumbs up for netcode and hit register have good clean ping and are close to the servers. For the people who don't need the help, its just getting better and better. Down here in Australia who need it most, its just getting worse and worse with each patch from me.
What has just turned unbearable for the first time for me is the way the game handles location of mechs, and hit detection.
Before the patch, sure it was bad, but you could learn the game and the mech location was raw, now it seems like the game is trying to guess and adjust location of mechs more and more.
To the devs this is probably seen an improvement in the "netcode", in the real world to me its just misleading data. Because the game is so server side most of what I see on the screen is meaningless. I''d rather see unfiltered location of mechs, where at least they warp, and I can adjust quicker, than display bogus data.
I love this game but it seems the more attention something gets received and worked on the worse it gets for me. I feel like I'm seeing patching from a unique backward perspective, kind of like Brad Pitt aged in reverse.
Before the patch I only had to lead about 2-3 mechs on a fast circling mech, now its anywhere from 2-8 mech lengths If a mech is North and going left I literally have to almost Shoot west to hit them, even lasers can be this bad.
On top of the normal, torse and arm twist speed (which everyone has and I love, but thats where it should stop), us high pinghers have to > aim ahead for firing delay,
wait for mouse location to update the server location, and aim ahead for the regular lag.
On top of this if the enemy changes direction or hits a rock (moves up and down etc) which they almost surely will, its worse odds than battleship of hitting because your aiming in completely the wrong place. The process is constantly repeating too. The only thing I can hit reliably is a shutdown atlas IF I wait a second or so frozen without even budging the mouse over the same place. I can fire something and it will hit othwerwise one bullet will shoot me in the eye and the other somewhere off into space. Oh and and only thats all on top of and after the intended torso speed catch up which is all some people have to deal with.
Also My FPS went from 79-90 to 49-70. but I don't really care about that, the solution is simple, overclock or get a new gfx, but the netcode probelms are out of my hands
Are we ever going to see AU based server or will it just be downhill from here?
Edited by l33tworks, 10 January 2013 - 03:22 AM.