wpmaura, on 08 November 2011 - 05:18 AM, said:
Everything he said is a lie. Its going to 100% be pay to win like every single f2p out there and he as already admitted it.
Kyll Long, on 08 November 2011 - 06:25 AM, said:
The points been made that we don't want a pay to win game heck I'd rather have a monthly subsciption myself but until we hear more details there's no reason not to give em the benefit of the doubt. Let's wait and see what they're gonna give us before we start condeming.
Personally, I'd rather have a monthly sub, also; however, I think perhaps a hybrid model concerning subs would have been best. Free, $5, $10, or $15 as a base sub, with C-Bills awarded each month for standard pay, plus a bonus in C-Bills for paying the sub. If you're actually paying more than free, you get full access to the game, while all levels would have the very same in-game store attached to them for micro's. Just an idea.
Bryan Ekman, on 08 November 2011 - 06:26 AM, said:
I guess the really good news is you won't have to pay any money to find out! I look forward to reading your thoughts about MWO after you have a chance to play it.
I think I may be too busy playing the game to be prolific with my words in these forums, hehe.
I think what a lot of folks don't realize is that you devs, like the lot of us, are people just as we are. You were raised by a Mother and/or a Father with the best morals and scruples they could give you, and you don't intend, nor are you necessarily attempting to provide fallacies for us. Indeed, with your information release schedule, which though even I would like to hear things more often I will be satisfied with new information every Wednesday, what you say you will be providing, in the way of that information release, will be robust compared to many other games. It will cause a lot more trouble, much more discussion, for those who thrive on arguments and that sort of thing, and perhaps for those such as myself who are slow to stop arguing with that first bunch -though I am re-learning to step away from individuals who only desire to argue for the sake of argument-, but it will be most welcome by the lot who prefer not to argue and be ignorant.
Despite my penchant for argument, I am behind you guys all the way, and I will shut my pie-hole, act and react sparingly in topics, and may present no more of my own because of the sensationalists already inhabiting this community, and will be content to wait for more and more information, my slavering bucket at the ready.
O... O-kay, don't.... don't imagine that... ewwwww, hehe.
caramon, on 08 November 2011 - 07:25 AM, said:
What I want is what we were promised: a campaign in the MW2-MW4 vibe. And local multiplayer, so I can play with my friends without having to connect to some server in the US. And the 3015 years, dammit.
Yeah, I wish the years could be backed up a bit myself. Say, begin right before the War of '39 and allow us to work our way into it. I don't believe that three or four months before the Clan invasion is a good idea. To be honest, I played from '85 to '91, roughly, and kept up on everything that was going on, and even though I had clues ('Mech magazine printed what a toad was supposed to look like, the Clan suits, that a few people had dreamt nightmares about, in '88 I believe) that the Clans were coming, it was still a shock to play at Orion Hobby, in between Sandy and downtown Salt Lake City, against them. I hated the Clans, and that hatred, in a more game-balanced way now that I've been able to read more about them, has remained with me, because I'm a Merc, through-and-through. Facing them for the first time, here, without much of the Star League tech GDL recovered on our 'Mechs just frightens the **** out of me. On the game board I had time to think, to plan, and I still did not win much of the time. Facing them in real-time will be an absolute nightmare for me.
What we lack is decent single player games
I disagree. I would like to be able to go into a game where my friends and I could get together and face PvE opponents in mission and campaign packs that both come with the release and with further updates and DLCs. What I would really like to see from MWO, however, is a relatively open universe, how many ever planets, or planetary representations, at least, where we go on missions together, and we don't know whether or not we're actually facing PvE AI pilots or real-life pilots, but we can do our missions without needing to worry about it, either.
So thank you Piranha for making us wait two years for nothing. I hope your P2W thing works and in the end you end up delivering on your promises. But I'll make sure to be comfortable while I wait. I fear it's going to be a LONG wait.
You know what you, and others like you, remind me of? Remember the scenes in Matrix: Reloaded where Neo meets the Architect, and he has the walls packed with monitors, and all of Neo's possible aspects are screaming and acting like real ninnies... yeah, that's it.
On a more positive note, Rudyard Kipling may become my new favorite author. Thank you, taxman.
Edited by Kay Wolf, 08 November 2011 - 10:29 AM.