Now I know the fanbois are gonna rage, but look, Ive followed MWO (been in beta since June), played thousands of matches in MWO, and been a crazy mechwarrior fan ever since I discovered MW2 as a kid.
MWO has an amazing reboot artist, an amazing franchise, but, to be blunt, has a weak studio. CryEngine is a terrible gaming engine, the lag is horrid, servers are lacking, weapon imbalance is glaring and gamebreaking.... horrible problem go unfixed for months
The forums have had many solid suggestions and recommendations; none heeded. Hopefully in 6 mo I can come back and have fun in MWO, but likely... we told you so.
Yes, actually, the latest patch was quite the FPS boost for me. I typically get 70-90 frames in BF3 on high with 64 players and destruction. The game is beautiful, and every time I load it up I'm still amazed that a single 6950 powers through it with ease. I thought I would need to crossfire at a minimum 2x6970 (this was back when it was released, 7xxx series not out yet) but the game is extremely well optimized. MWO though used to scape by at 30 fps and then drop to 15 in combat. NOW after latest patches Im getting around solid 40-50 and it doesnt drop in combat! BF3 though still looks better, renders 1000x more things, and still runs twice as fast.
All crysis games though on my PC look half as good as Frostbite 2 and run half as fast. My friends with Nvidia rigs usually have similar results. Its just a poor engine - though I think the cheapest... any ideas why? tehe
I will NOT be playing Planetside2 or Hawken. I downloaded them to compare. BF3 is better than PS2 and fills the mass scale niche for me, so PS2 is out the window, and Hawken just isnt my playstyle. Tons of fun nonetheless, but I much prefer mechwarrior's robot gameplay.
MWO just isnt cutting it. Too many cash grabs, not enough fixes, and frankly the balance is probably the biggest deal breaker for me.
Guess what, as soon as I loaded Hawken, I saw a LIST OF SERVERS!!!!! Not everyone played on the same ratty asrse server with stupid pings. Its no fun when you have to guess whether the Jenner will need a lead of 15 meters or 50 meters because the lag isnt even consistent. It just downright takes the awesome art/franchise and murders it.
Give me better servers, less 1995 lag, and better weapon balance and Id be right back in the firefight.
Edited by Abrahms, 12 January 2013 - 07:14 PM.