Devs Ignoring Their Own Game Forums Due To "negative" Feedback, Tell Them On Facebook What You Think.
Posted 17 January 2013 - 12:33 AM
Whats next stalking their personal pages?
Posted 17 January 2013 - 12:33 AM
Posted 17 January 2013 - 12:37 AM
GalaxyBluestar, on 16 January 2013 - 05:46 PM, said:
wish you gave us that kinda reply about knockdowns, this was professional. simply shouting NO is not.
Ill help:
All I can say right now is please be patient. Contrary to what a vocal minority might think, we are not ignoring you.
for all the people I see saying this, the silent majority must be HUUUUUUGE
Edited by Mechwarrior Buddah, 17 January 2013 - 12:39 AM.
Posted 17 January 2013 - 12:39 AM
Pok Gai, on 16 January 2013 - 01:04 AM, said:
They are still actively communicating on facebook and other internet sites to market their game, yet it seems they use this forum as a focus point to censor negative feedback and complaints.
I would suggest putting your face to your comments on facebook to get a response, because it will not be forthcoming here, other other internet mediums where they are still trying to market their game.
Make your views heard here:
Translation: Our cash flow is slowing down, so we're looking at other venues to market the game.
Yes, ignore the problems. That will solve them, for sure.
Enough with the passive-aggressive nonsense, please. Deal with the problems, don't turn a blind eye to them.
Posted 17 January 2013 - 12:47 AM
Mechwarrior Buddah, on 17 January 2013 - 12:37 AM, said:
no is not an answer rather a tantrum, he could've said
sorry it's not going to happen as plainly it is open to abuse and spoils the game we are trying to create...

even though the real problem was a overlap rubberbanding effect or something that screwed the position on animation etc etc.
still at least things are improving, we're getting a lot of feedback all the sudden from the devs about these things and this is good. threads like this and that boycott game for ecm is just sheer stupidity.
Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 17 January 2013 - 12:49 AM.
Posted 17 January 2013 - 01:03 AM
An Answer from Garth, Paul etc to an urgent Problem came up here in the Forum is doomed to die.
Simply because "Do anyone look on page 12 in this thread?"
I noticed only that there was something important because on Page 13 someone wrote that there
had been an Answer and i searched it up.
In the Informations of the Day, some of the very important Informations given in this Threads could be compilied in less then 2-3 Minutes (Copy Paste small Edit) into an Broadcast Thread.
And this would do two things:
First: Calm down the community and Publicy Informations more Obivous
Secondly: Prevent for having the Same ****Storm next day again.
This thread is the Only Point where Paul said that there is something done and investigated about ECM. It was at somepoint on Page 3 of the Forum, because it was calmed and lot of other stuff was written again... And it's not an obvious thing about
the ECM Stuff.
So please Garth, rethink please your Information strategies, we need a Plagative Point where to loog up Informations like a Blog. The Development Tracker isn't working great as it points you at the START of a thread and nobody searches 15 Pages for the Developers response.
Just found the Only Post Option after rereading the Developer Trackers entry.
And normaly i am an observant Forum reader, as i manage ( luckily in German) my own Community.
Edited by Elkarlo, 17 January 2013 - 01:08 AM.
Posted 17 January 2013 - 02:05 AM
Paul Inouye, on 16 January 2013 - 02:13 PM, said:
A: It's hard not to have it affect one at all; generally it just makes people around the office less likely to read over the forums. I still do though, and for every negative/unrealistic expection filled post, there are dozens of PM's, emails, and threads that are the opposite. Also, we're dealing with long-time fans of a very old IP, so we expect people to be passionate. If I could have any one thing though, it would be the understanding that: A) we're barely a year into development, and

I personally go through the forums every day (including weekends and after work). I know you're all clamoring for information but there's a time and place for every bit of info we release. Hot topic: ECM... yes... I've got a write up on our stance on the situation but I will not release it until I can confirm 2 features I want in the game before I do so.
All I can say right now is please be patient. Contrary to what a vocal minority might think, we are not ignoring you.
Thanks for popping in to give us some feedback
Loving the game (even if some bits frustrate me to hell)- IMO the best MW computer game to date
Posted 17 January 2013 - 03:42 PM
TY being patient now

Posted 17 January 2013 - 05:44 PM
Paul Inouye, on 16 January 2013 - 02:13 PM, said:
A: It's hard not to have it affect one at all; generally it just makes people around the office less likely to read over the forums. I still do though, and for every negative/unrealistic expection filled post, there are dozens of PM's, emails, and threads that are the opposite. Also, we're dealing with long-time fans of a very old IP, so we expect people to be passionate. If I could have any one thing though, it would be the understanding that: A) we're barely a year into development, and

I personally go through the forums every day (including weekends and after work). I know you're all clamoring for information but there's a time and place for every bit of info we release. Hot topic: ECM... yes... I've got a write up on our stance on the situation but I will not release it until I can confirm 2 features I want in the game before I do so.
All I can say right now is please be patient. Contrary to what a vocal minority might think, we are not ignoring you.
Hey, while you're reading those PM's and the forums, think you could at least open the message I sent you requesting a thread be stickied? Been waiting since 30 December 2012. Thank you.
Posted 17 January 2013 - 07:45 PM
Paul Inouye, on 16 January 2013 - 02:13 PM, said:
A: It's hard not to have it affect one at all; generally it just makes people around the office less likely to read over the forums. I still do though, and for every negative/unrealistic expection filled post, there are dozens of PM's, emails, and threads that are the opposite. Also, we're dealing with long-time fans of a very old IP, so we expect people to be passionate. If I could have any one thing though, it would be the understanding that: A) we're barely a year into development, and

I personally go through the forums every day (including weekends and after work). I know you're all clamoring for information but there's a time and place for every bit of info we release. Hot topic: ECM... yes... I've got a write up on our stance on the situation but I will not release it until I can confirm 2 features I want in the game before I do so.
All I can say right now is please be patient. Contrary to what a vocal minority might think, we are not ignoring you.
Thank you.
That is all I wanted to hear. That you cannot coment because there aresome features that need to be finalised. We understand that. The official silence and the sometimes terrible commentary from Garth about tellign people to use LRMs dumb fire had a lot of people pissed off.
It is better to say "We cannot say because of X but we are listening" than to have nothing but silence and half assed comments.
Thats all the community needs - they will continue to debate and scream after it but at least we know it is not being ignored or put on the backburner like it is not an issue.
Game balance is a large ecosystem most people understand that - but silence makes everyone nervous
Posted 17 January 2013 - 08:07 PM
Post the average player base.
Compare that to the forum user base. SHOW US how minor this vocal minority is. Because I really don't buy the estimated figures of 60,000 founder sales + CB users + new accounts anymore.
I'm tired of all the half statements. There are so many things that taken together feel like PGI is trying to hide serious problems from us. No, I don't mean the gameplay problems, I mean seriously lagging cashflow problems. We used to have a ticker for users online, now we don't. I never saw more than 2% of even supposed founder accounts online before it was removed, and that math didn't include non-paid CB players.
People are mad because things like cash boosters keep rolling out on a seemingly uninterrupted schedule, but real fixes are incremental, painfully slow, and often backslides. Basic issues don't get eradicated - I still get all the flavors of the UI bug from time to time.
Sure, I get that some employees have different skills and can't be used interchangably. Then farm some things out if you have to. Get some of the annoying things fixed, and people will start chilling out. Eradicate the UI bugs. STOP AFK PLAYERS, quit talking about how you're doing it and DO IT. The FIRST THING YOU PROPOSED was a sensor to kick them offline with no input, and that never happened.
Or, just tell us "this game mode is a testbed and will resemble CW in almost no way. Therefore, many of the changes you want aren't coming until then." Get that out in the open and over with. Let the people who are going to quit do so, and the rest of us can play occasionally until you get the real game finished.
Posted 17 January 2013 - 11:47 PM
Long Draw, on 17 January 2013 - 05:44 PM, said:
I think that's more a job for Garth, he's the community team guy.
Posted 18 January 2013 - 12:03 AM
CB wasnt like this.
Patience is a virtue
Vocal Minority is the Truth.
This isnt the BT community but some overzealous grognards wanting something delivered immediately if not they **** their pants on the forums and social media?
I can log in at 3 am or 3 pm or anytime in between and hit Launch and get into a game in 10 seconds.
Honesly WTF is wrong with some of these people? Do you not have a job or work?
If so and you have a project, does your client expect it to be done in ten minutes and if you arent finished you go off screaming like children?
And ecm isnt broken, your skills are.
Thank You for making this game a dumbed down stupid 1 click facebook game if that is what you were trying to achieve, Im sorry the devs dont email you personally every morning to let you know what they did that day.
Fracking Trolls I barely see any of you in game anyway and im at 3k drops sinced OB. ****
/end rant
Posted 18 January 2013 - 12:09 AM
if you had at least read the LAST page you would have noticed that Paul said,
that ECM is now under Investigation of Balancing.
In this very thread.
Instead you read the First post only, ignored the Developers Answer on this Post and didn't let it die.
But thanks,
your reaction is the Prove that we need a Hot section were the Developers post in what they are investigating etc ..
to calm down ****storms before they happen.
Posted 18 January 2013 - 12:12 AM
Posted 18 January 2013 - 12:16 AM
Posted 18 January 2013 - 12:34 AM
Elkarlo, on 18 January 2013 - 12:09 AM, said:
if you had at least read the LAST page you would have noticed that Paul said,
that ECM is now under Investigation of Balancing.
In this very thread.
Instead you read the First post only, ignored the Developers Answer on this Post and didn't let it die.
But thanks,
your reaction is the Prove that we need a Hot section were the Developers post in what they are investigating etc ..
to calm down ****storms before they happen.
I have an idea. There would be no **** storm if people understood what "constructive criticism" was. I'll tell you what it isn't. The majority of E-Rage WAAAAAAAAH threads on this forum. Make a point and move on. There is no reason to flip your **** over it.
Also, the amount of self entitled crap I see on here is astounding. The Devs don't owe you ****. Least of all a constant response to every post in every thread. Perhaps you could stop and think that every minute they have to spend on the forums reading threads about the same crap posted 100 times before, could be spent working on game development.
Posted 18 January 2013 - 12:50 AM
The bug fixes and balancing issues and new maps (especially new maps) must take a back seat to the important stuff.
I am SO excited about those Valentines cockpit items I feel like puking.
Yes, I use sarcasm as a way to show how I really feel....
Edited by miscreant, 18 January 2013 - 12:50 AM.
Posted 18 January 2013 - 12:51 AM
The whole ECM frenzy died down AFTER Paul answered in this Thread.
There had been about 50 Threads BEFORE quoting a comment from Paul where he said:
The ECM is working like intended.
So there had been about 50 Threads or more about ECM would be. even before it would be introduced.
And NO comment from the Dev's that they want to do anything about this.
This Thread was only the Tip of the Iceberg, after the Monthly Patch again Silence was about the ECM and
patience was realy running low.
They have Roadmaps etc... where they putt anything about Development and totally Silence for the ECM,
and that called a ****storm.
All i am saying is: If the Dev's would make a comment Public like it is under Investigation, after lot of False commentary.. then the ****storm wouldn't have been so bad as it was.
Yes they don't owe us for every Question an Answer but if something is going out of Hands, or it seems that it is about to go down, then a Highlighted Answer in a Seperate Thread would do wonders, killing unnessary repeated Threads and Save TIme as the Developers won't have to read them as they won't be there in the first Place 50-60 times.
And what Texas Merc did was the worst thing to do, he just revived this dead Thread, but Paul already answered it at Page 12, and it was just dead and all people fueling it had been satisfied as there had been the long waited Answer what is going on with ECM.
And i started exactly 2 Threads about ECM, one was answered directly and the Problem solved ( the first days ECM caused extralag) and one about how it should work, then i answered only in other Threads. The Problem is that there is a Problem with ECM with LOT of the People out there. And they want Answeres and there had be NO statement what is going on for over 6 Weeks. only a Misterious ... ECM is working as intended...
Which called the 100 Anti ECM threads as most of the People are annoyed about ECM how it works ATM.
A Call from the Dev's at the 8th of January would have cooked down the whole Issues as it does it now.
And the Dev's don't owe us anything, but doing nothing while false Informations are out
will raise ****storms because of the Nature of Internet.
And the biggest Problem this Forums have is that Dev Answers which are important are tend to go down in
the mass of threads.
The Infamous "ECM is working as intended" comment
was watered down at somepoint around the 20th Dezember... but please try to find it, and most of the people had been expecting a change due this on the next patchday.
Edited by Elkarlo, 18 January 2013 - 12:58 AM.
Posted 18 January 2013 - 04:34 PM
Paul Inouye, on 16 January 2013 - 02:13 PM, said:
I think you're stark, raving, insane to do so. I've seen the kind of effect that directly reading in your video game's forums - especially on an unfinished but public beta product - can have on developers.
I have no idea how in the world you guys put up with all of the flames without tossing in the towel and say "if they think they know it so much better than we do, THEY can make the game!"
IMO, you guys really might want to consider having a position (official and paid or otherwise) filled by someone who really knows the MW genre and the BT lore well enough to understand the arguments around here who's job it is to filter through all of this stuff 24/7 and make the judgement as to what's important enough to bring to you guy's attention.
It seems to me you guys atm are doing the eqiuvalent of... diving into a dumpster-full of straw men, ignorance, abusive ad-hominem, and snark ... and trying to feel around to find those elusive diamonds-in-the-rough.
I suspect that if most people around here had to have their work output and their persons/character shredded the way that these guys are having done to them they'd probably be curled up in a ball crying for mommie.
I know I couldn't put up with it!
Edited by Pht, 18 January 2013 - 04:35 PM.
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