- Oneshot builds (that sort of thing is for singleplayer, where your empowerment isn't at the cost of one or more person's enjoyment)
- Cookie cutter builds, as they're called - there will of course be optimal builds for all roles but I want all roles and all (non-ridiculous) builds to be at least somewhat viable.
- Pay 2 Win.
- Tiered matchups ala world of tanks. As mentioned before the different style of MWO will discourage this but...
- Excessive clan tech. My BT knowledge is rudimentary but even I know that gearing up everyone with ER PPCs would probably be bad.
- Although on that note... the continued lack of Uziel in this game
- "Global" chat channels only - I want squad talk damnit.
- Coolant flush I guess? I just dealt with it in MW4 by managing my frequency of fire. Guess it's more noticeable in MP.
- Don't know if I really object to cheese builds? Sure they might provide an overwhelming advantage in one aspect but assuming intelligence on your side they can normally be countered by the aspect they DON'T cover.
- Lack of infowar. I'm a medium/heavy pilot myself but scouts should feel useful.
- A lack of love by the devs. I'm gonna go ahead and highlight that. As long as you guys keep loving the game with the players I'm sure all differences can be worked out
Edited by Bladetrain3r, 28 May 2012 - 10:00 AM.