Posted 24 January 2013 - 10:41 PM
Honestly, it comes down to the composition of the opposing team, for me.
If they're full of streaklights, then consider it game over. I'll get ticked off as soon as I see the opposing team either has streaklights when my team does not, or they have *more* streaklights than the PUG I dropped with. So it could easily be just 1 game. But it could be more than just the 1. What's peculiar, is that these teams (the streakboating, 6+ ECM teams) are usually premades, founders, or a combination of both. (That is not meant to be read as founders = premades, but it's painfully obvious many founders run mechs with ecm, and will usually play in a 4-man team at the times that I play)
What's worse, is when you play at the same time every night, you get to know who plays together and who is sync-dropping. I can call them out as soon as we drop, and all you get in response is "lol, enjoy the faceroll." Those matches end very fast, some less than 3 minutes even, with my team doing a total damage output of about 200, spread across 8 people.
I can safely say, without naming and shaming, that I see 2-3 different groups of sync-dropped premades per night, and they usually get cycled through a 4-hour period, so you see them each more than once. I've also done some sync-drop research, and you'd be surprised just how easy it is to end up on the same team (over a 2-hour period, we had an overwhelmingly high percentage of successful drops - those games were NOT very fun, because it literally was kicking sand in the oppositions face, the matches were that easy). All you have to do is Google it and you'll find out the exact method on other forums. It's not as easy as pressing launch at the same time, but darn near close to it. This sole reason, sync-dropping, is why I can't wait for ELO. Will it still happen? Sure, probably, but you won't see all the newer players get their heads shoved in the dirt as much, as we will all be on an equal playing field.
OTOH, I actually enjoy the games, more, when there are absolutely NO ecm mechs on the field. Even if the opposing team is boating LRMs, there are generally plenty of places to hide behind and let their boats spam LRMs until they're blue in the face. It's always fun to watch them unload all their ammo and then run around like a chicken with their heads cut off. These matches are more drawn out, higher on the tactics scale, and generally end up being "GGs" where even experienced vets give you a pat on the back when you're just a *lowly* PUGger like myself.