Second. Why no possibility to load ac10 rounds into lb/x.
Third. why lbx spread so extreme at low Ranges?
4Th. Why can i shoot a double ac10 config about 6-7 times with med laserssupport in the back of a catapult and it doesnt explode till the last alpha that shut me down? it was a srm type. so ammo like to explode. but 5-6 compared ac20 hits doesnt get him to explode/go down. if im hit by that ac 20 shoots, im after the 3rd readyto explode...
5th. why can the ultra ac´s act like rotary acs? ultra ac´s was meant to fire 2 rounds instead of one, not to chainfire like RAC´s till overheat/disrupt.
By this way, why cant no C-Phract carry an Ac 20 and an XL340? JJ´s and ac´s yes, Ac-config)illya( cant mount that thing? but that is an personal one. otherways i want to say that this game enjoys me really good. After getting the money for new configs game makes more and more fun. now half the map size of LL and the tanks,flyers and so on, the graphics of LL in some ways, and exp system for the personal pilot and im pleasured till the end (or my wife kicks me out^^)
Edited by Frederick Steiner A F, 30 January 2013 - 12:52 PM.