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Of "aimbots" And Sore Losers...

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#41 smokefield


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 06:29 AM

no doubt. in my good days i can land 70% of my gauss shots from 600m in any mech moving under 70kph. and that's why i am never rushed in accusing someone fo hacking. But this particular case was strange at least. i didn't showed my face prior to be hit in that spot. When I wanted to have a peek over the ridge i went in slowly so I will not show more than needed from the mech. The instant i showed over the edge smth hit me..bam. pulled back then fwd this time looking for who was targeting me. of coruse i got hit again. I saw who and where, turned around that hill and did the same cautious peek over the ridge, assuming that whoever was targeting me will do it again...the moment i showed my face over the edge..bam. No projectile has instant hit ..only lasers do. So - he was aimboting or he was very lucky/experienced and had his crosshair in the right place and fired before seeing me. either way it was a strange situation.

look what the aimbot i have found does :

Aimbot :
Visibility Checks
Aim Styles (Off, When firing, Full auto)
Targeting Styles (Closest Target, Closest to crosshair, Highest Threat, Lowest Health, etc.)
SlowAim (Off, On) (+ Configurable slow aim speed)
AimAngle (Off, On) (+ Configurable autoaim rotation angle)
AutoFire (Off, On)
FriendlyFire (Off, On)
Radar :
3D Radar (Off, On) (+ Configurable for Players, Vehicles, Grenades, Flags, etc.)
2DRadar (Off, On) (+ Configurable radar scale)
Cross (Off, Cross, Dot, Box, Bounding Box)
Info Styles (Distance, Playername, Weaponname, Health, Armour)
Healthbars (Off, On)
TriggerBot :
TriggerBot (Off, On)
TriggerStyle (Instanthit, BulletSpeed and Bulletdrop)
Corrections :
Fps Correction (Off, On)
Ping Correction (Off, On)
Bulletspeed Correction (Off, On)
Bulletdrop Correction (Off, On)
Protection :
Threat Warning (Off, On)
KeyBinder :
KeyBinds (OnPress, OnRelease)
HotKey Support
Profile System :
Profiles can be saved/loaded
Graphical User Interface (GUI) :
Configuration Window with tab menus
Help :
Help files (FAQs, Explanations, Examples)
PB secure
PB clean sshots

Edited by smokefield, 31 January 2013 - 06:29 AM.

#42 Flapdrol


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 06:37 AM

punkbuster secure? does this game even use punkbuster?

anyway, this is freetoplay, risk of cheating on a free account is 0 since you can just make another account once you get banned.

surprisingly there's no gameplay of an mwo aimbot in use on youtube yet.

Edited by Flapdrol, 31 January 2013 - 06:56 AM.

#43 Choseph Stalin


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 06:43 AM

This does bring up a point where in the board game AC20's, gausses had very limited ammo in the sense that shooting at light mechs that move 5+ hexes each turn was game losing. People making their own builds typically put more ammo in than the generic builds. Maybe MWO should consider a dmg modifyer for being hit by such big clusters of dmg to reduce the rng.

Although PPC's have no ammo... so lights should be expected to be fired upon with them.

#44 Gideon Grey


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 06:50 AM

I've been headshot plenty and usually just think "nice shot". The only time I've ever really been suspicious in more than a sour grapes sort of way was when I turned a corner at full speed and was immediately headshot from outta no where by a pilot with a name like Amy McAimbot. ( no this was not their name, but it was something that basically proclaimed them as an aimbot, no name and shame here). In any case even that could have been a bad coincidence with someone using a deliberately provocative name. Never came across them again so no additional data points to form a conclusion.

#45 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 06:54 AM

I have become something of an expert and head capping Cataphracts. I have 29 kills by head shot on only this Chassis. In the last month. i cannot get that level of accuracy on any other mech...

#46 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:08 AM

View Postsmokefield, on 31 January 2013 - 12:17 AM, said:

yeah..but still he needs to aim. It is not possible for the projectile to hit me the instand I appear....and he hadn't any way to know from where i will show...that's why i said...ok - first time he was lucky...but twice...i dont beleive in coincidences.

It's easier than you think for the "trained" sniper. Caustic is actually one of the harder maps for it, simply because thermal vision works like pooh, but in your own post you said " I change position going round again to check him again. I slowly show" ....

There was your problem. When sitting back and scanning, i see an arm or tiny piece of mech showing, that gives me plenty of time to line up my shot thru the Zoom MOd, and let fly.... you will have had your whole arm and one torso showing usually before your cockpit clears terrain, meaning that just because you just saw him doesn't mean he only just saw you.

Edited by Bishop Steiner, 31 January 2013 - 07:08 AM.

#47 Bfvmg


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:15 AM

But there is an aimbot. When you start the match hit "T" then hit /Aim and the aimbot will start working.....

Of course, it means that everyone is aiming at you,,,but what the heck it works for SOMEONE!

#48 Wolf Clearwater


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:16 AM

I pilot mostly lights, I usually say "good shot" or something similar when I get tagged for piloting like a dumb*****. Meaning I never think "I got shot....they must be a cheater!"

#49 StandingCow


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:17 AM

Rashkae you are a massive cheater! :(

#50 Chrithu


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:40 AM

Had something similar happen to me two days ago:

I was running my new CDA-3M setup with XL 285, 3 LL and ECM on Caustic. I did my usual thing of scouting ahead and trying to stall the enemy with hit and run attacks until my dropmates arrive at the scene. During the final 4 on 4 brawl they finally managed to kill my right leg (they didn't aim for anything but my legs all the time so I could still take a few shots. So I managed to put out two alphas before they killed me. The first one was a hip shot at the face of a cat which made it pop since out of more out of luck than anything else I hit the cockpit that was pretty scratched already. The second alpha I lined up a headshot on a Cent that I already knew (because he was my target during this whole brawl) had no more armor on it's cockpit and I made it pop too.

After pulling this stunt off with my dieing breath I couldn't help but yell a "HAHA" out in chat. In return i got a "Nice hack" from them. People sometimes are just awfully quick to accuse someone of hacking when they actually prove to have some aiming skill.

It get's especially absurd and enlightening at the same time when you get the very same folks in your team the next match and then can tell by theoir cursor movements that they're using a joystick for aiming. It's no wonder they cry "haxx" when someone shows the pinpoint accuracy that's achieved by using the mouse for aiming.

Edited by Jason Parker, 31 January 2013 - 07:44 AM.

#51 Mongoose Trueborn


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:41 AM

I get accused and "reported" on a regular basis. Kinda makes me feel the same way as when I get carded buying beer.

#52 Pando


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:43 AM

I've got approximately 13 screenshots of someone blasting "nice aimbot" or "reported" across chat. I find it funny then move on.

View PostFlapdrol, on 31 January 2013 - 06:37 AM, said:

punkbuster secure? does this game even use punkbuster?

anyway, this is freetoplay, risk of cheating on a free account is 0 since you can just make another account once you get banned.

surprisingly there's no gameplay of an mwo aimbot in use on youtube yet.

that is not true, most of them were removed because of an "outbreak" on forums less than one month ago. including a link to the website that generated the "hacks".

Edited by Pando, 31 January 2013 - 07:42 AM.

#53 Rippthrough


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:46 AM

It's better when they follow you around for the next 10 minutes shouting at you too.

#54 Flapdrol


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 08:43 AM

View PostPando, on 31 January 2013 - 07:43 AM, said:

that is not true, most of them were removed because of an "outbreak" on forums less than one month ago. including a link to the website that generated the "hacks".

k, not seen that, why were the scam "free aimbot hack" download this harmless file from mediafire movies not removed?

#55 Karl Marlow


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 08:53 AM

IT doesn't even have to be some super skilled pilot to get a kill wiht a volly of 4 PPC's.. Sometimes a quick shot will just get lucky. Skill is taking out a full strength fast light with a single small laser to your name.

#56 Agent 0 Fortune


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 09:43 AM

4 PPC build closing to 200m, that is probably the first thing that set off a red flag. Many players would worry that getting so close to the enemy with a mech that cannot maintain sustained fire, and has a minimum range of 90 is a bit risky, and unorthodox, unless that player can grantee themselves an instant kill, knowing they can overheat shutdown and be ready when the next enemy arrives.

Raven only moving 40-50 kph while scouting the enemy ridge-line... that doesn't sound right either. The Raven had to know the entire enemy team was behind the ridge so moving 40kph would be suicide. Plus you indicated that this player was a member of a “clan” (or merc company) and therefore part of an organized drop group. Not an inexperienced player dropping for the first time.

Normally I dismiss aimbot accusation as unfounded, but your preemptive defense against a player that hasn’t even made an accusation is suspicious. I think this is the reason some defense lawyers are hesitant to put their clients on the stand, they do more damage to their credibility than the prosecution.

At this point I’m inclined to believe the unnamed accuser. You probably are using an aimbot and should be ashamed of yourself.

#57 Poisoner


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 09:48 AM

I once got accused if being a lagshield hunchback. Not my fault you can't hit me at 97kph.

Edited by Poisoner, 31 January 2013 - 09:48 AM.

#58 wwiiogre


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 09:58 AM

With a quick search on any engine you can find multiple companies selling aim bots for this game. They are here, it is always a real threat to any game online. More accounts than you can imagine have been banned here already and we are still in open beta.

I have seen some amazing shots, I have also seen some questionable shots. But since I cannot prove anything, I just say good kill usually if I know the enemy pilot did something special to kill me.

In Caustic and a few other maps there are some spots that mechs always peak over. As a sniper I am zoomed into those spots, waiting for just the edge of a mech to appear, my convergence is set to the ground at the proper range, I flick cursor over mech and fire. Getting in my RS atlas 4 ppc and a gauss slug onto that mech first time. The best part is most mechs peak over ridges by going straight over and then trying to back up, meaning they stay in sight much longer.

To properly peak over a ridge line, you hit it at an angle going forward and dip up the line and dip back in a curve motion so when they see you the travel time of the shot means they will generally miss since you are going forward across their vision. Even that is not enough to not get hit, last night I did that in a jenner at 150kph and still took a gauss slug in the leg and some ac5 in the torso. Good pilots can still hit you if they are waiting to snipe.

So be smart, not predicatable, no straight lines ever in a light mech. Think Crazy Ivan, intermittant zigs and zags. Always use cover, even at the start of the match. Even in your own territory. Because if you are always doing that, you never slip up because the enemy that kills you is the one you don't see. If you always act like there is an enemy near, you do much better in a light mech, or medium, heavy or even an assault.


#59 Vernius Ix


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 10:00 AM

Feel better now?

#60 smokefield


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 10:38 AM


So be smart, not predicatable, no straight lines ever in a light mech. Think Crazy Ivan, intermittant zigs and zags. Always use cover, even at the start of the match. Even in your own territory. Because if you are always doing that, you never slip up because the enemy that kills you is the one you don't see. If you always act like there is an enemy near, you do much better in a light mech, or medium, heavy or even an assault.

this is how i roll :P. make it a habit so you wont need to think at it. it will become natural.

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