IrrelevantFish, on 16 February 2013 - 06:08 AM, said:
Having said that, accusing PGI of incompetence or expecting a quick fix is unfair, unreasonable, and unproductive. This is a beta and we are beta testers. Mistakes/missteps are to be expected, and assisting PGI in finding and fixing them is the price we pay for the privilege of playing this game prior to official release. Those unwilling to pay that price need to shut up and leave.
I was with you up until the above statement. The thing is there has been a lot of waiting, and a ton of feedback. Search for "ECM" and bore yourself from all the posts. We are at fault for accusing PGI of incompetence? Perhaps not overall, but in their handling of ECM, yes! Poor communication and lack of empathy are the cause of these accusations.
ECM has been out since late November and was controversial
before its release. Despite tons of feedback, there was no official response from PGI for about a month. The hot topic of ECM was completely ignored despite gaining over 200 likes on a couple of "Ask the Devs" question sessions. Only after a 3rd attempt of submitted ECM related question to "Ask the Devs," was there a response. It was announced that, "ECM is currently under review and will undergo minor tweaks along with additions to help counter/disrupt the ECM effects. We are prepping a Command Chair post with details soon." Next Friday it will be a month of waiting for this post. The only answers have been bandaids to cover up the problem, instead of actual fixes. Whenever silence is broken there is no consistency. They've said one thing here and another there. PGI, if it is your intent to keep ECM the way it currently is,
tell us! Let me be mad at you
now instead of dragging it out.
Some of the designers comments could be interpreted as down right antagonizing. Shortly after ECM was released, it proved unfavorable to some players. They voiced their opinions, to only be answered by Paul Inoye, with "[ECM] is working as intended" on
Why not here? Just recently the response to all the ECM talk is to, "adapt to it, with battlefield tactics." This was posted on the
No Guts No Galaxy podcast on the 12th of February. Or the post
here. It's the kind of post you'd expect from a player to another to refute a statement, not a representative of a payed company. Everything boils down to point of view. From the point of view of someone concerned with the implementation of ECM, comments like those above are demoralizing. Fragmented statements like those above get posted around and are subject to being taken out of context. PGI, if a decision has been made, post your conclusion and reasoning
Read past the anger of these
irrational posts and you will see that behind theses posts are fans of the BT/MW intellectual property. We've been waiting for around 10 years, or more, depending on who you ask, for a proper Mech Warrior game. The anger stems for passion of desire for MWO to succeed. If we simply wanted a direct copy of TT, we would have long gone to MW tactics. If we simply wanted sensless mech action, we would have gone to Hawken. We've realized that MWO has a lot of potential.
Edited by StalaggtIKE, 16 February 2013 - 03:21 PM.