Levi Porphyrogenitus, on 25 January 2014 - 11:28 AM, said:
Why do I dislike the Clans?
1 - Nicholas Kerensky was an egomaniacal madman, and his ideas were both incredibly radical and entirely unprecedented, yet somehow he managed to convince a sufficiently large portion of what should have been one of the most conservative groups of people in the galaxy (the loyalist soldiers of the Star League Defense Force) to reject centuries of tradition and practice, all of their fundamental political ideals, and even most of their underlying philosophical tenets, in order to create a fascist warrior-centric caste system that glorified warfare, vilified the family, and made trial by combat the default judicial process.
You have to remember that a greatly bloody civil war had just ended and everyone just wanted to get past it and forget it, so they were willing to change.
2 - The Clans are a caste system. Seriously, they voluntarily adopted a freaking caste system. How foolish and short-sighted do you have to be to think that a caste system is ever a good idea (even those societies in our time that have one only do so on account of legacy issues, and all of the successful ones are doing what they can to move away from it).
It worked for about 300 years..
3 - Disagree with a policy? Trial by combat. Dislike somebody? Trial by combat. Covet something? Trial by combat.
It is a good way to solve matters swiftly.
4 - Warriors uber alles. If you aren't a warrior you don't matter. Sure, some Clans were more forward thinking and "liberal" in their attitudes (Wolverine, anyone?), but they were rare exceptions. One of the more prominant ones, the Coyotes, even became the secret big-bad of the setting simply because they objected to wholesale ******** once it became institutionalized during the Wars of Reaving.
5 - Test-tube babies are the only babies. If you aren't tailor-made from a genetic slurry drawn from a few people who managed to get themselves killed in sufficiently flashy ways, then you clearly don't matter. Natural birth is disgusting and inferior, and Kerensky forfend if we allow anything other than genetic purity to inform the development of future generations.
Some Clans did treat better than others their "inferior" castes. I think about Wolves, Nova Cats and lately Ghost Bears (little trouble in their occupation zones for the first 2 and Rasalhague Dominion for the Bears - and Raven Alliance!).
6 - Zellbrigen. It's not okay to defend your home and your family to the utmost, but it is okay to bombard a civilian population from orbit if that population has a few people trying to defend their homes and families to the utmost. It's not okay to use clever tactics to make up for disparity in numbers or technology, but it is okay to use radically superior technology to wipe out people who you haven't even informed that you are at war with.
1) You are referring to 1 single case started by 1 single Jaguar commander. The Jags have lost much face after the razing of Edo.
2) They usually announce themselves declaring their own forces before an assault ..
crucislancer81, on 25 January 2014 - 12:01 PM, said:
i played classic BT circa 1988 to 1999.
Why i dislike the clans?. well i dislike them because they broke with what made BT fun for me .
Easy solution: Do not play Clans!

You can still use your Succession Wars scenarios,quiaff?