Protection, on 02 February 2013 - 11:56 AM, said:
Basically, the light position was previously one of the highest skill and most fun parts of the game. Now it has become the most tedious, flattest skill, and least fun - to the point where hardly anyone wants to play light mechs anymore.
Yes, yes dear god yes.
I loved being a Jenner pilot, I appreciated the skills of those who beat me, and loved the fact that you could always improve, that no matter how good you were, the role still had room to be filled with any more improvements you could come up with.
That no matter how good you thought you were, there was always someone who was just plain better than you, form whom you could learn tricks you never even thought of.
Ravens on the other hand are horrible, horrible nasty mechs that all perform exactly the same way, that engage in exactly the same way, and that guy who was 10x better than you? Now you just need one buddy spamming his streaks at the same time and it's all over in seconds - the room for skill is gone & it just feels cheap.
Sure, I play them at Comp level, but I hate it - there's nothing there to enjoy, it's just "hunt the crosshair" and hope that your beep-beep-lock comes before the other guy's beep-bee-lock.
Edited by BigJim, 03 February 2013 - 12:46 AM.