Alfred VonGunn, on 27 May 2012 - 03:08 AM, said:
WHich is first came out YEARS ago it was ammo.. didn;t know of teh change.. But that makes no sense either... WHy would teh Gauss RIfle overload and explode but Lasers and PPCs don't?
because the gauss rifle uses a magnetic field generator to propel shells, lasers use light. PPC's im not familiar enough (in a real world context) to explain. i can tell you from hands on experience that when you damage laser housing/lenses etc all that happens is it shuts off. gauss (read rail) guns on the other hand DO explode when you mess with them. I have made ones that could shoot steelies (steel beebees) through a bananna. if your timing is off, or the capacitors get bumped, then the whole thing goes 'pop' (read boom)