Megachromulent, on 11 February 2013 - 06:37 PM, said:
Yes, but you are a piloting a brawler mech...
Exactly, there are no high places with any cover...
Which is not what a sniper does, they get a good view of their targets, preferablly up high, not at ground level.
Again, my point in my OP is that even the high places are being actively removed (as in last patch). The only people this benefits is those that prefer to brawl. I am not debating value or technique.
I am asking is "Pgi Against Different Playing Styles, Forcing Everyone To Play The Same?"
sorry but sniping is either being secretive with your shots "WTF hit me" stuff or ranged play.
tell every erlrglaser/erppc boat they are not doing the snipers play {i know you can see them so they're not 100% sniper material} hiting mechs with alphas beyond the 700m {like i do} they'll want to see you in a match. tell gauss users that their shots aren't snipers shots when they're rally hard to pin point and they'll eat you alive.
sure the maps are small but that just means you're imediately in snipers range {rivercity and forest colony suffer this with erppc blasts at the start of many matches} and it's effective.
like one medic army says, you have er energies and gauss/ac2s equipped and use them exclusively under 500m then you're playing wrong, it's possible to to kill mechs at ranged when done properly, have won many a brawl confrontation for my side by shooting from afar {sorry if you see it as kill stealling guys

although i understand the sentiment and it would appear that fast short range min/maxers are rulling me and i'm sure others will agree that longrange play is doable with practice and discipline to know when to stick with a team and know when to pulls some distance for the advantage. {gootta love creaming srm/ac20 boats before they know to advance on you}
just think a little differently about your position on the map with regards to your teammates and you'll soon find fire support sniping being very viable indeed.
Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 12 February 2013 - 02:15 AM.