PhoenixFire55, on 25 February 2013 - 01:56 AM, said:
There is no fun in it whatsoever. Every single match I played for last 3 days was nothing but a hard grind for victory with clutched teeth done by the very tips of your fingernails. There is no room for mistakes. If just one member of the team makes a slight mistake team loses horribly. You need to have such matches from time to time, but when every single game turns out to be this and you know beforehands that it is gonna be such, then at some point you just stop caring ... so fun!
So close games are not fun for you? Uh, sorry you feel that way, but if you dislike competition, perhaps
another game would be a better fit for your playing style.
PhoenixFire55, on 25 February 2013 - 01:56 AM, said:
I can only speak for my ELO zone. I don't know how it is in different ELO zones. I can not play better then I am playing already and I will never suck on purpose to drop my ELO.
PhoenixFire55, on 24 February 2013 - 10:40 AM, said:
Current matchmaking system is for stupid moneybag players who can't play for crap and getting stomped all the time because they go into the open and eat 200 LRMs or smth like this.
You've been consistently criticizing the entire Elo system using various invalid arguments - including outright name-calling. This attempt to hedge your bets is invalid.
PhoenixFire55, on 25 February 2013 - 01:56 AM, said:
Nothing PGI had done has improved the game for organized units. Nothing from what organized units asked and even pleaded from PGI had been done. On the other hand everything that precious PUG-whiners whined about had been changed accordingly to what those whiners wanted. So-called 'lone wolves' are the majority you see, majority that knows nothing about BattleTech / MechWarrior, majority that has no respect to BattleTech / MechWarrior, majority that will drop this game just as quick as they joined it. You may take offense from it but it is truth.
Oh good grief, and now you're arguing based on your elitism as a "BattleTech fan?" Do you have
any proof of your outrageous claims here? No, you don't. You're assuming (insulting) things you cannot possibly know about the community simply because you think those assumptions justify your attitude. This is extremely poor reasoning - and an exercise in intellectual dishonesty.
PhoenixFire55, on 25 February 2013 - 01:56 AM, said:
Those of us (which is to say, nearly everyone) who "cryed [sic]" about synch dropping aren't bad players who don't want to play on a team. We WERE on a team - we joined to play against a supposedly random team where no more than four players were supposed to be in their own group. What we got was a wall of 8 Liao tags shouting "SQUAAAAAAAAAAAAWK" in all chat to begin the match. This isn't about all the bad, mean "lone wolves" ruining the game for "real" players like you. This is about closing an exploit that was causing frequent hardship and frustration for the vast majority of the playerbase - in fact, the bad players are the ones you want to help. Truly good players don't have to cheat in order to feel powerful.
So being an organized group is cheating now? Is army cheating? Is football team that playes together for several years cheating?
You joined a random team, you are part of that random team. Your random team has its limits. Accept it. Your random team might be better then some random teams and worse then other random teams. Your random team will most likely be worse then an organized team. Accept it as well. ... But you do not. You start crying about it, start complaining about it just because somebody is using comms, putting more effort into the game then you do, more effort into socializing with his teammates then you do. You call them cheaters, exploiters ...
That's just... jaw-dropping. Could you be
any more disingenuous? Obviously being in an "organized group" isn't cheating; claiming I implied such is the act of a liar. However, arranging your organized team's matches so that the other team
can't be organized IS CHEATING. Synch dropping was/is an exploit - using it to force people who dropped with the expectation that they would be matched against random teams to fight a coordinated, organized 8-man team is hardly "putting more effort into the game." Just the opposite, in fact; they're deliberately arranging the game so that winning takes them substantially less effort. Telling the victims of cheaters to "accept their limitations" is unforgivably asinine. You should be ashamed of yourself.
PhoenixFire55, on 25 February 2013 - 01:56 AM, said:
But here comes the PUG-whine. Now 'elite' one play vs 'elite' ones, 'good' ones vs 'good' ones, 'bad' ones vs 'bad' ones and 'stupid' ones vs 'stupid' ones. But guess what? ... 'elite' ones will get same c-bills/exp per game as 'stupid' ones. You call it fair and fun? Is it fair and fun when a guy needs to work his @zz off to get 100k c-bills per game in high ELO zone while another guy can roflmao-noob-thorugh all his games in LRM-inside-180m ELO zone and get same 100k c-bills per game. What part of it is fair? For which one of them is it more fun? I can easily just start noobing all my games until my ELO reaches 'comfortably dumb' zone where I can get same c-bills doing stupid crap in my games. You think this is the right direction for this game?
You're not getting any better at
poisoning the well, you know. But I suppose you have to try
something when you haven't got a single valid argument to throw out. Your assertion that somehow higher-Elo players work harder for their c-bills is absurd. The effect of Elo is to match up players of
all skill levels against players of
like skill. This means that, once their Elo has adjusted, players will be facing off against players who are just as good as they are. This means that
all levels of Elo will be working just as hard for their c-bills. There's no imbalance here. On the contrary, throwing out Elo and bringing back synch-dropping exploits will create exactly such an inequity. Apparently, you view such widespread cheating and the misery of solo droppers to be unimportant compared to what you want - I guess being a cheater is your due.
So, in answer to your question, yes. Elo is exactly the right direction for this game. It's unfortunate that measures intended to stop cheaters inconvenienced some 8-man players - as I've said elsewhere, it might well be reasonable to ask PGI to implement separate Elos for 8-man play. However, the cheaters needed to be stopped. If the introduction of Elo pushes out self-absorbed players with a false sense of entitlement, that's just icing on the cake. If Elo is too hard, there are
other games out there whose demands upon your skill will not be so strenuous.
RadimentriX, on 25 February 2013 - 09:40 AM, said:
where gets PGI that Lone Wulf stuff from? only the setting in the account? because that would be just stupid. i call myself a lone wolf because i don't belong to a house, clan, guild or whatever. but i play in groups because playing together is fun...
No, PGI is talking about dropping into matches solo, instead of with a premade team. When PGI has referred to "lone wolf players" it is in
that context. It's just an easy way to talk about "players who enter matches without a group;" they are not talking about tactics, or faction alliance. Many people who get their kicks by being Very Angry About Things are gleefully confusing the term - but PGI is actually talking about dropping solo.
Edited by Void Angel, 25 February 2013 - 03:11 PM.