Last patch I reported game freezing problems when a large number of missiles hit targets or the ground. I will again collect here everything I know about the bug to provide you with as much information as possible.
Most reliable steps to reproduce:
1. Take a scout mech
2. Have a friend take an LRM boat.
3. Paint target, have friend launch a ton of missiles. Stay relatively close to target.
4. Look into explosion, game freezes.
The freeze happens almost every time if I actively try to reproduce it using the aforementioned method, or approximately once in three games if I try to avoid it (someone takes LRMs anyway).
The game does not recover from the freeze and must be killed from the task manager. What is interesting is, that disconnect message pops up on killing the program, not on freeze (this was reported to me by my friends). In other words, some subsystems of the game must still be running during the freeze.
The bug has been present since the Feb 5 patch, and Feb 19 patch does not seem to have had an effect on its frequency. Crashes seem to mostly happen on NVidia 600-series GPUs (confirmed 660, 660TI, 670, 680) and almost exclusively on very high-spec machines (i7 3770K, 16G RAM, etc). None of my friends with AMD GPUs or low-spec machines report crashes, and say the game is more stable than it has ever been.
I have done a reinstall and have tried various graphical settings with no apparent effect to frequency or presence of crahses. My friends report less frequent crashes on lower graphical settings, but my personal experience says otherwise. The game crashes the same amount even when all settings are low and motion blur/AA are off.
CPU: i7 3770K
GPU: Asus NVidia 660
OS: Windows 7
Re-installed: yes
Default installation folder: no
SSD: yes
(edited with new info)
After setting the monitor refresh to 60Hz and turning on vsync, the game has not crashed during the last two nights of playing. This suggests that the bug has something to do with framerate and timings.
Edited by Warma, 22 February 2013 - 01:56 AM.