Alittle insight into this beautiful screen shot.. I got locked onto while I was up on a cliff and started getting hit by lrms. I immediately backed off the cliff to receive cover from the hills and valley. This did not work, by the time I hit the ground I had already been hit by one wave of lrms. But they kept coming and coming and coming. No spotter was around me since I was in a small crevasse where a turn starts and no one above me looking down. I don't believe I got narced because everyone was so far away I would have seen it coming, but I could be wrong.
My issue is the arc at which these things fly, and the ability they seem to posses of locking onto your CT and making love to it until you're no longer standing. I thought cover was supposed to help with this things. If this was an isolated incident I would shrug it off as bad luck, but it's not. These things fly over cover that it shouldn't on most maps(I.E forest colony behind one of the spire mountains past the broken ship. They flew up and over the verticle mountain that was at least 4x the height of my mech and continued to desecrate me.
The damage they do is fine. If I'm out in the open I deserve to get molested by Lrms. That's my fault entirely. But behind cover that is quite a bit taller than me? There is no excuse.
The picture below is what happened. After torso twisting to spread out the damage it still didn't help much since my CT got eaten away.