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BattleMech Balance

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#10361 Odanan


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 03:46 AM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 06 March 2015 - 08:04 PM, said:

We know that Diana's Warhawk Masakari mounts at least one CERPPC.
"Diana returned fire with a blast from her extended-range PPC, knocking out the Centurion's center-torso medium laser." - Falcon Guard, ch. 25
"Firing her PPC, she watched as the bolt of unbound lighting hit paydirt. The Vindicator rocked backward, then went up in an explosion so massive it almost took out a pair of lighter 'Mechs." - - Falcon Guard, ch. 32

It also possess an unknown number of "medium lasers" (which, in ch. 32 of Falcon Guard, Diana uses to decapitate a ComStar 'Mech; "They shot off an arm from one of the ComStar 'Mechs, giving MechWarrior Diana a chance to fire with all her medium lasers straight into the cockpit of the other 'Mech."). However, it is not specified as to whether these are CERMLs or CMPLs.

Chapter 37 of Falcon Guard, where the unit is escaping by having all of their 'Mechs jump to the middle of a makeshift bridge, then make a second jump to complete the crossing, indicated that all of the Falcon Guard 'Mechs (including Diana's Masakari) have Jump Jets.
Moreover, ch. 29 of Falcon Guard indicates that the river to be crossed (the Prezno River) " is some two hundred-fifty meters wide at its narrowest crossing", meaning that a 'Mech would have to be able to jump at least ~125 meters in order to cross in two bounds - meaning that all of the Falcon Guard 'Mechs would need to mount at least four (4) Jump Jets each (the extra five (5) meters can be fudged, or perhaps the 250-meter estimate for the river's width is off by 10 meters...). The same chapter also indicates that Aidan ordered all of the Falcon Guards' 'Mechs to be outfitted with Jump Jets.

Now, we can combine this with what we know about the Masakari's fixed equipment & pod space:
  • Both legs are filled with fixed CDHS.
  • The Left Torso is filled with two Engine crits, a quartet of fixed CDHS, and two fixed Ferro-Fibrous crits.
  • The Right Torso houses two Engine crits, one fixed CDHS, two fixed Ferro-Fibrous crits, and the Targeting computer, leaving up to six (6) free crits in that location
  • The Center Torso has two free crits.
  • The Head crit is filled with a fixed Ferro-Fibrous crit.
  • Each arm houses two fixed Ferro-Fibrous crits, leaving up to eight (8) free crits in each arm.
  • The base Masakari has 32.50 tons of pod space available.
Jump Jets for the 85-ton Masakari would weigh 1 ton each, and the TC would consume 1 ton & 1 crit for every five (5) tons of direct-fire weaponry (rounded up to the nearest ton/crit).

With four JJs (two in the CT, and two in the RT), Diana's Masakari would have 28.50 tons of pod space remaining & 4 crits remaining for its TC (allowing it to accommodate up to 20 tons of direct-fire weaponry).

One possible usage of the remaining pod space (28.50 tons) is to have one CERPPC (as the novel descriptions seem to imply that Diana only has a single (ER)PPC weapon on her Masakari), a LRM-10 + 1 ton of ammo (from the prime config; it helps to address that pesky half-ton), a septet of CMPLs, a 4-ton/4-crit TC, and two extra CDHS.
The CMPLs would all go in one arm, with the other arm holding the CERPPC, the LRM launcher & its ammo, and the extra DHS.

Seven CMPLs firing at once would generate 28 units of heat, while the proposed loadout for Diana's Masakari would have 22 CDHS, for an effective total of 44 units of cooling - it would be more than enough to handle making the salvo described in the novel.
Further, we can assume that Diana just never used the LRM launcher, for whatever reason(s).


I missed you, Strum.

#10362 SgtMagor


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 06:27 AM

still waiting on a jumping Daishi, but a flying Masa would be kewl!

#10363 Soul Tribunal


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 06:29 AM

View PostSgtMagor, on 07 March 2015 - 06:27 AM, said:

still waiting on a jumping Daishi, but a flying Masa would be kewl!

Direwolf - S I Believe (not at home so, Can't recall exactly).

I have one, its fun, in a 18m Hoverjet kinda way.


#10364 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 04:06 PM

View PostSoul Tribunal, on 07 March 2015 - 06:29 AM, said:

Direwolf - S I Believe (not at home so, Can't recall exactly).

Not yet available to those who do not pay $$ for it, as it is currently only on the "Gift" page

#10365 Strum Wealh


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Posted 08 March 2015 - 09:22 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 06 March 2015 - 11:32 AM, said:

Just got to wonder if it was actualyl TT viable.

Remember Vlad Ward's Executioner form Phelan's Trial of Position? Had over 42 tons of weaponry......on a mech that carries about 27.

View PostMetus regem, on 06 March 2015 - 04:12 PM, said:

Of that, 15t were plot tonnage.... So they don't count.

That or the wrighter ment Dire Wolf, but autocorrect made it Executioner?

"The Executioner appeared in his aft arc. Phelan cursed the loss of his secondary monitor and shunted a data feed to his auxiliary monitor. Immediately, the computer filled it with an information scan of the OmniMech. He saw that each arm mounted a Gauss rifle and each side of the torso was arrayed with one large laser and two medium lasers." - Blood Legacy, ch. 19
"With his altered priorities in place, the Executioner's battle computer cycled through his lasers before it got to his remaining Gauss rifle. The pulse laser in the shattered right breast stitched a half-dozen steaming holes in the Lone Wolf's right leg. The other two pulse lasers both melted a deep hole in Phelan's right flank. The Executioner's large laser lanced its red beam through the left side of the Lone Wolf's chest as Phelan brought his machine back under control and turned it to face Vlad." - Blood Legacy, ch. 19

x2 Clan Gauss Rifles (12t each)
x2 Clan ER Large Lasers (4t each)
x4 Clan Medium Pulse Lasers (2t each)

Vlad's 'Mech is packing 40 tons of weaponry, before ammunition for the Gauss Rifles is taken into account. By contrast, the Gladiator only has 26.50 tons of pod space. :huh:

With this being the same Vlad that eventually fell for (and was willing to actually go to war over) Katherine Steiner-Davion, maybe he did something crazy like de-Omni-zed his Gladiator in order to pack in even more weaponry? :blink:
Or, more likely, Stackpole was like, "Well, this Executioner is only, like, five tons lighter than this Dire Wolf, so it totally probably has more-or-less the same carrying capacity, right?" :rolleyes:

#10366 Metus regem


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Posted 08 March 2015 - 09:26 AM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 08 March 2015 - 09:22 AM, said:

"The Executioner appeared in his aft arc. Phelan cursed the loss of his secondary monitor and shunted a data feed to his auxiliary monitor. Immediately, the computer filled it with an information scan of the OmniMech. He saw that each arm mounted a Gauss rifle and each side of the torso was arrayed with one large laser and two medium lasers." - Blood Legacy, ch. 19
"With his altered priorities in place, the Executioner's battle computer cycled through his lasers before it got to his remaining Gauss rifle. The pulse laser in the shattered right breast stitched a half-dozen steaming holes in the Lone Wolf's right leg. The other two pulse lasers both melted a deep hole in Phelan's right flank. The Executioner's large laser lanced its red beam through the left side of the Lone Wolf's chest as Phelan brought his machine back under control and turned it to face Vlad." - Blood Legacy, ch. 19

x2 Clan Gauss Rifles (12t each)
x2 Clan ER Large Lasers (4t each)
x4 Clan Medium Pulse Lasers (2t each)

Vlad's 'Mech is packing 40 tons of weaponry, before ammunition for the Gauss Rifles is taken into account. By contrast, the Gladiator only has 26.50 tons of pod space. :huh:

With this being the same Vlad that eventually fell for (and was willing to actually go to war over) Katherine Steiner-Davion, maybe he did something crazy like de-Omni-zed his Gladiator in order to pack in even more weaponry? :blink:
Or, more likely, Stackpole was like, "Well, this Executioner is only, like, five tons lighter than this Dire Wolf, so it totally probably has more-or-less the same carrying capacity, right?" :rolleyes:

:) like I said plot tonnage.

#10367 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 08 March 2015 - 09:33 AM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 08 March 2015 - 09:22 AM, said:

"The Executioner appeared in his aft arc. Phelan cursed the loss of his secondary monitor and shunted a data feed to his auxiliary monitor. Immediately, the computer filled it with an information scan of the OmniMech. He saw that each arm mounted a Gauss rifle and each side of the torso was arrayed with one large laser and two medium lasers." - Blood Legacy, ch. 19
"With his altered priorities in place, the Executioner's battle computer cycled through his lasers before it got to his remaining Gauss rifle. The pulse laser in the shattered right breast stitched a half-dozen steaming holes in the Lone Wolf's right leg. The other two pulse lasers both melted a deep hole in Phelan's right flank. The Executioner's large laser lanced its red beam through the left side of the Lone Wolf's chest as Phelan brought his machine back under control and turned it to face Vlad." - Blood Legacy, ch. 19

x2 Clan Gauss Rifles (12t each)
x2 Clan ER Large Lasers (4t each)
x4 Clan Medium Pulse Lasers (2t each)

Vlad's 'Mech is packing 40 tons of weaponry, before ammunition for the Gauss Rifles is taken into account. By contrast, the Gladiator only has 26.50 tons of pod space. :huh:

With this being the same Vlad that eventually fell for (and was willing to actually go to war over) Katherine Steiner-Davion, maybe he did something crazy like de-Omni-zed his Gladiator in order to pack in even more weaponry? :blink:
Or, more likely, Stackpole was like, "Well, this Executioner is only, like, five tons lighter than this Dire Wolf, so it totally probably has more-or-less the same carrying capacity, right?" :rolleyes:

yup, kinda my point.

#10368 Odanan


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Posted 08 March 2015 - 11:00 AM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 08 March 2015 - 09:22 AM, said:

"The Executioner appeared in his aft arc. Phelan cursed the loss of his secondary monitor and shunted a data feed to his auxiliary monitor. Immediately, the computer filled it with an information scan of the OmniMech. He saw that each arm mounted a Gauss rifle and each side of the torso was arrayed with one large laser and two medium lasers." - Blood Legacy, ch. 19
"With his altered priorities in place, the Executioner's battle computer cycled through his lasers before it got to his remaining Gauss rifle. The pulse laser in the shattered right breast stitched a half-dozen steaming holes in the Lone Wolf's right leg. The other two pulse lasers both melted a deep hole in Phelan's right flank. The Executioner's large laser lanced its red beam through the left side of the Lone Wolf's chest as Phelan brought his machine back under control and turned it to face Vlad." - Blood Legacy, ch. 19

x2 Clan Gauss Rifles (12t each)
x2 Clan ER Large Lasers (4t each)
x4 Clan Medium Pulse Lasers (2t each)

Vlad's 'Mech is packing 40 tons of weaponry, before ammunition for the Gauss Rifles is taken into account. By contrast, the Gladiator only has 26.50 tons of pod space. :huh:

With this being the same Vlad that eventually fell for (and was willing to actually go to war over) Katherine Steiner-Davion, maybe he did something crazy like de-Omni-zed his Gladiator in order to pack in even more weaponry? :blink:
Or, more likely, Stackpole was like, "Well, this Executioner is only, like, five tons lighter than this Dire Wolf, so it totally probably has more-or-less the same carrying capacity, right?" :rolleyes:

Or even, the "Executioner" is actually the name of Vlad's custom variant, not the name of the chassis.

Vlad usually piloted a Warhawk, but that's 32.5 free tons. So, it must be a Dire Wolf (equipped maybe with targeting computer).

#10369 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 08 March 2015 - 11:48 AM

View PostOdanan, on 08 March 2015 - 11:00 AM, said:

Or even, the "Executioner" is actually the name of Vlad's custom variant, not the name of the chassis.

Vlad usually piloted a Warhawk, but that's 32.5 free tons. So, it must be a Dire Wolf (equipped maybe with targeting computer).

that would be stretching it, and mechs for trials usually have little to do with your normal assignments (and Vlad actually was shown most regularly in Timberwolves, even though Ulrich says that is not his usual mech. But it's what he fought in during the battles on the Rock, the Refusal War and against Kai Allard Liao on Strana Mechty.

#10370 Odanan


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 11:05 AM

BTW, Arctic Cheetah concept art will be revealed in 2 days (March, 13).
Posted Image
I'm looking forward for that little bugger. (and I wonder how they will do the missile hardpoints in the arms)

#10371 Cimarb


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 12:18 PM

After playing the Firestarter for the last week to prep for my Trial of Bloodright match in light mechs, I hope the ACH is at least on par with it. I dislike light mechs, but the FS9-S is overpowered enough that even I enjoy it. I just want the same enjoyment out of a Clan light for once...

#10372 Strum Wealh


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 12:58 PM

View PostOdanan, on 11 March 2015 - 11:05 AM, said:

BTW, Arctic Cheetah concept art will be revealed in 2 days (March, 13).
Posted Image
I'm looking forward for that little bugger. (and I wonder how they will do the missile hardpoints in the arms)

I'd imagine that it's a given that they'd move the launchers down to the forearms, in order to accommodate the arm-reticle & associated aiming mechanics...? :huh:

#10373 Metus regem


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 01:10 PM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 11 March 2015 - 12:58 PM, said:

I'd imagine that it's a given that they'd move the launchers down to the forearms, in order to accommodate the arm-reticle & associated aiming mechanics...? :huh:

Or failing that, they will be in the LT/RT....

#10374 Odanan


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 01:38 PM

View PostMetus regem, on 11 March 2015 - 01:10 PM, said:

Or failing that, they will be in the LT/RT....

They won't. See the hardpoints.

#10375 Virlutris


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 01:56 PM

View PostCimarb, on 11 March 2015 - 12:18 PM, said:

After playing the Firestarter for the last week to prep for my Trial of Bloodright match in light mechs, I hope the ACH is at least on par with it. I dislike light mechs, but the FS9-S is overpowered enough that even I enjoy it. I just want the same enjoyment out of a Clan light for once...

I get the feeling folks are going to like the speed, but after boosting the armor from 152 to 206 pts it looks like it's going to have a ferret-like amount of free tonnage (8.5 tons, 9t after shaving an arm for 18 pts/0.5 tons) with 9 engine-mounted DHS and an external DHS. Less weight available after ECM and/or a TC1.

That seems like it's gonna make for some hot builds when/if folks try to max the hardpoints. That's compounded by 3 tons of locked JJ's that would be trimmed on a Firestarter or Spider to free up weight, and the heat interfering with weapon cooling it they're used in combat. The builds might even look Ferret-like if people scale them back to tame the heat. 0.o

I hope folks find something they can enjoy too, I think we'll need to adjust expectations though. The speed's a big deal, and the ECM is worth plenty too. I'm wondering about how the other stuff's going to work out once people start actully building and running them.

Personally, I'm looking forward to a 6 or 7 cERSL build for lulz :D

Edit: Clarity, added thought

Edited by Virlutris, 11 March 2015 - 02:14 PM.

#10376 Odanan


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 03:45 PM

View PostVirlutris, on 11 March 2015 - 01:56 PM, said:

I get the feeling folks are going to like the speed, but after boosting the armor from 152 to 206 pts it looks like it's going to have a ferret-like amount of free tonnage (8.5 tons, 9t after shaving an arm for 18 pts/0.5 tons) with 9 engine-mounted DHS and an external DHS. Less weight available after ECM and/or a TC1.

That seems like it's gonna make for some hot builds when/if folks try to max the hardpoints. That's compounded by 3 tons of locked JJ's that would be trimmed on a Firestarter or Spider to free up weight, and the heat interfering with weapon cooling it they're used in combat. The builds might even look Ferret-like if people scale them back to tame the heat. 0.o

I hope folks find something they can enjoy too, I think we'll need to adjust expectations though. The speed's a big deal, and the ECM is worth plenty too. I'm wondering about how the other stuff's going to work out once people start actully building and running them.

Personally, I'm looking forward to a 6 or 7 cERSL build for lulz :D

Edit: Clarity, added thought

I want to try a 2x SRM6, 4x ER Small Laser.

#10377 Odanan


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 10:58 AM

Arctic Cheetah revealed!
Posted Image
Loved it!

#10378 FupDup


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 10:59 AM

View PostOdanan, on 13 March 2015 - 10:58 AM, said:

Arctic Cheetah revealed!
Posted Image
Loved it!

But dat baby Mauler torso

Posted Image

#10379 CDLord HHGD


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:33 AM

Sold... Friggin sold....

I'll sell blood (and other bodily fluids),. beg the wife, ask for forgiveness as I misinterpret her "no" as a "yes", FORGO DRINKING ON ST. PATTY'S.........

I.... Must..... Buy......

#10380 L3mming2


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 12:21 PM

want this!!! (i know it will never happen, imagine the TTK if u have a 75 damage gauss alpha :P )

but it is the best looking mech i have seen so far...

the OMEGA!!!


Posted Image

Edited by L3mming2, 13 March 2015 - 12:25 PM.

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