- K/D is a bad public leaderboard metric, but it can be a useful private stat
- The devs do NOT plan to use K/D for public leaderboards, they plan to use overall damage done and XP earned which are good/better leaderboard stats
- To successfully pursue these stats you have to be a team player, hence stat hound = team player
- Care bears produce rainbow colored slag (proved this through experimentation)
Now the OP:
While browsing the forums, I've noticed that there seems to be a significant number of MWO players who fear public stats, leaderboards, ladders, etc. They seem to think stat hound and team player are mutually exclusive concepts... that by introducing public stats there is no longer any incentive for team play. There also seems to be this care bear mentality that players shouldn't worry about their personal stats period.
I am a brawler, and the thrill of Mechwarrior for me is honing superior piloting skills: The ability to maximize DPS without overheating (or smartly overheating to shutdown to get in a final kill shot). Riding my throttle to maintain optimal position (staying behind a lumbering atlas... using a well timed engine stop to throw off an opponent's aim). And of course having precise aim myself, taking into account any lead a particular weapon needs.
And I haven't even mentioned the thought necessary to configure an optimal chasis/loadout...
K/D ratio is the essential metric that indicates where I'm at as a pilot. High K/D demonstrates my piloting skills are at a high level, low K/D tells me I need to make adjustments. As a brawler having high K/D is (surprise surprise) pretty challenging.
Considering the time, effort, and ability needed to be a superior pilot you're damn right I want to be able to compare myself to others. I am competitive, and I'm sorry but chasing the top of a public leaderboard motivates me to play and get better (and spend MC.. converting Mech XP to General XP is where I spend most of it).
Now, while K/D is an excellent metric for gauging personal ability, it's a terrible metric for leaderboards given things like kill stealing. Damage done on the other hand is a great leaderboard stat as it truly reflects your impact on the battlefield, while negating kill stealing.
If I have a high amount of damage done per match I am implicitly helping my team in a significant way. Also, I HAVE to be a team player and stick with the group to have both high K/D and high damage done: if I go rambo and run around in the open or into the middle of an enemy lance by myself... hello insta-dead.
Fortunately, this is exactly the direction the stats system in MWO is going:
Paul Inouye said:
The K/D ratio always steers the way people play. MWO is not your typical FPS (CoD, BF etc) where you are ranked based on your personal kill count.
In order to push gameplay to a more team oriented, strategic game style, XP and overall damage will be the ranking system for our leaderboards. Padding your personal Kill count will do nothing for you in the long run. Padding your XP gains will 1) rank you higher on the leaderboards and 2) greatly benefit your team. This game is not about personal gain but gains of the well rounded and thought out combatants which makes up for valued MechWarriors.
So for all you care bears who think it's "bad" to chase stats 1) tough, they're coming and 2) I look forward to turning you into rainbow colored slag, climbing a public leaderboard, and helping my team all at the same time.
All that talk about team play aside, I would LOVE to see Solaris VII style competition.. so I could compete in say the 1v1 hunchback ladder or some such. In that case it would be purely about individual play, but if it were siloed in such a way it would satisfy the cravings of tourney players such as myself without polluting the 'standard' team play mode.
Edited by SamizdatCowboy, 20 November 2012 - 11:54 AM.