Rhialto, on 21 October 2014 - 08:17 AM, said:
Excellent idea! I see you colored the text to match type of weapon also which is better than current contour only.
I remember using text size of 11px instead of 12px, I'm at work now cannot check for sure if unit was px... and also reduced the padding around the numbers width from 4px to 2px and height from 2px to 1px but that was not enough for some cells so I also looked to expand the total size of that column, you have space for another 40-50px and stay safe for 1280 width screens. I also remember trying to use ½ instead of 0.5 but I think 0.5 here would be more widely accepted.
While I think it's much better for space and since it's a constant WIP, I think it would look much cleaner if you could align the slots number together in a column and the tons number together. One solution I tried was to swap slots and tons because I thought slots would never be 2 digits width but I was wrong, the AC/20 being 10 slots. A quick solution would be to do the swap anyway for now and only the AC/20 would not be aligned.
Keep up the good work!
I kept it for now, if you have improvements, just send them my way. I also have plans for a different layout approch while reworking the rendering of the mechlab. I'll try to create some mockups and show them here.
Edit: First mockups of my ideas:
Deathlike, on 21 October 2014 - 10:19 AM, said:
smurfy, if you could fix the C-bill prices on the Nova (they are completely missing), that would be greatly appreciated.
Sure, i try to add them once the servers are up and i can login. (given that novas are available for c-bills yet, i'm not up2date with that info, i don't play mwo anymore

Edited by smurfynet, 21 October 2014 - 11:19 AM.