Mack1, on 06 December 2012 - 01:00 PM, said:
It's not fun anymore for me, it's becoming far too technical and reliant on lances. Take the ECM, it's probably fine if you have 7 buddies on voip with a nice premade loadout. But for PUG's it's just a huge disaster, it wipes out loads of peoples Mechs. I have a garage full of useless metal, it forces me to be a brawler which I don;t really enjoy. I was a Guass sniper and an LRM boat in my PUG matches but now it's just pointless. My Guass is a time bomb and my LRM's are just cheap fireworks.
I blame myself here so no need to have a go at me, I never did my research properly, I bought into Beta, had a laugh but had no idea it would be turning into this kind of game where you totally depend on having the correct setup of team mates who are coordinated by voip.
Looks like am getting back in my Lowe where I can actually have some fun for the most part of my evening and will only be doing 2 or 3 MWO battles now and then to see what is happening.
Totally gutted

MechWarrior always has and always will be a baptism by fire. As for voice communication, we've been using it since the option was available in MechWarrior 3 with Roger Wilco and BattleCom. Your best bet is to get three friends and run in a lance together or find a unit that can offer the same. Currently I do the former and have a blast when we play.
As I have stated in another thread, there is three things that garner success in this unique genre:
1. What you know.
2. What you do with what you have.
3. Who you know.
What you know involves finding a role you wish to play and knowing how to accomplish that.
What you do with what you have is how skilled you are with the loadouts you are using.
Who you know is the people you play with that will compliment your role and loadouts.
Missing one of those three will bring down everything you are trying to do. If you run a missile boat in a PUG and everyone has mechs that require going the tunnel/valley, means you're gonna get hosed, you're missing number 3. Running a brawler Atlas with an XL engine means you're missing 1. And of course getting out manuevered because you have issues running one way and torso twisting another means you're missing number 2.
Though admittedly enough, number 2 is the easiest to remedy, just playing the game will fix that. Number 1 can be difficult without using online resources. And of course number 3 can be the hardest for those anti-social types. Saying you have a job, wife, kids, ect. isn't an excuse. Back in the days of MW2 and early MW3, players with jobs, wives, and kids created units to organize games and league play with like minded and like scheduled players. Many of those units are still around to this day, and have the same standards as they did in 1995. Join one of those if RL has major priority shifts for you.
The only ones that should really be pugging solo are the ones without jobs, or responsibilities and are online playing at crazy times, or those with crazy schedules (though they could easily hook up with a EU or AU timezone group).