Hey Colonel
Question on the AA part of your read me file
to clean up any jaggy edges with an ATI/NVIDIA card set MSAA to 1 in attributes.xml
and in CCC set AA to enhance application settings, edge detect, adaptive multisampling or supersampling (your choice) and keep morpholical filtering off (causes text view/crispness issues)
add r_UseEdgeAA = 1 to user.cfg (anywhere you want)"
Could you please elaborate of this further for me? How do i add this to my Attributes.XML file?
Like so? : <Attr value="1"name="
MSAA"/> ? (and im guessing i need an XML editor to do this as notepad seems to mess it up?
I have added the " r_UseEdgeAA = 1" But wondered if i could get better AA results still..
Also is there anyway to turn SLi support on? (I'm guessing not)
Edited by SgtFlex, 02 June 2013 - 02:33 AM.