Tickdoff Tank, on 23 February 2013 - 03:44 PM, said:
My only problem with Elo is that is was originally designed for use in a solo play environment where your W/L record is more indicative of your skill and is not partly based on factors outside of your control.
As it stands now it will take a while before the Elo ratings are more accurate, but even then it is not a perfect system for an on-line game with teams of 8. That said, I do not have a better suggestion, just pointing out that a person's Elo will always be affected by the actions of others and not simply their own personal skill.
This is true, but over time and multiple matches u get teh bad ones, then ur paired with the good ones. It is not like ELO rank is based on any single match. If you run in a 4 man, you win more than you should, and your stats grow beyond your actual skill. That ELO does not account for such "stacking" isnt the fault of the formula, it is the fault of the individuals scamming the system.
Heres another WoT refereence. Met alot of tankers, and some moved to company battles, the equiv. of your 8 man queue.. they get so used to winning alot because they are very picky about who they run with. Run with Forge, and you will see. They win alot. So, alot of them have had their stats go up and up and up. (not forge specifically, I mean no disrespect to them, I jsut used them as an example of a group of pros that win alot) Alot of us pubbing tankers always called them stat hoors. (Again not Forge, but rather nidividuals who only play with the best, so they can win almost all the time). I mean the "I only play company battles" players. So if and when they drop solo, the mm thinks they are god in a tank, but they are not. They are good, but they are fighting the top3% on the server, and that tends to be immensely difficult. So they say, mm sucks, pubs are noobs, im going back to co. battles. I am really good, and I lose so much in random battles, its MM and the other playrs faults.
Problem is with them. Their rank, their stats, have excelled beyond their actual skill. If they had just done pure pub all the time, they would be pegged properly. Their conduct, scams the system, giving them a false higher than it should be, set of stats.
Now.. Think of this co battle as a macrocosm for the 4 man team. Same thing. They are used to winning 4 of 5 matches.
Then... Go look at their posts, and what or who they blame.
They blame the MM (ELO) ((I call her Elaine)), and they blame the pubs, calling them idiots. Its the same issue, in a very similiar game.
TickdOff, I know you can understand this, I believe Ive seen your name running around in WoT, or am I mistaken? Regardless, the logic is sound. Fluff your stats by grouping, and when you go solo, unless your as good as all your mates you grouped with or better, you will have a bad time. Why? Your stats are higher than they should be, and poor elo only measures by numbers. Numbers you have artifically inflated.
Edited by SlXSlXSlX, 23 February 2013 - 04:07 PM.