grayson marik, on 26 February 2013 - 01:18 AM, said:
Seriously, for the most part, a lobby is wished by the organized teams to NOT be forced to run the latest cheese build with 8 ECM in your team to have a chance!
Just wanted to comment on this little bit.
If you react in that way to those few groups of trolls that do such stuff for the purpose of trolling, wether you like it or not you are becoming part of the problem. If instead EVERY other team would ignore them trolls you all would run into groups constisting of ECM mechs only or lights only or Atlases only a lot less I think.
This kind of is similar to why Teams are hated:
Some Teams, VERY few in fact, do/did syncdrops to pugstomp. Somehow this became by word of mouth to: every Team out there just wants to pugstomp to carry their stats. So now every lost game in a PUG match can only be due to a pugstomp.
In the same way VERY few Teams bring cheesey lance setups into their matches. This somehow became: Every Team uses just ECM Mech/just lights/just assaults in their lances, so we have to do it too or we won't stand a chance in the competition.
Exaggeration and the loss of individual intelligence when acting in a group are what I deem responsible for both phenomenons.
Add to that the usual doomsaying. I mean how much threads were there before the matchmaker changes about what would stop people from using those cheese lance setups. Stir up people's fears enough and they will act preemptively. Assuming all others are bad people that will just try to abuse and cheat the system is a very cynical and in my view wrong approach at things. That's not saying such people do not exist at all and stuff like that wouldn'T happen. But it would happen a lot less if good people wouldn't switch to panic mode and react preemptively by doing the same bad things.
Edited by Jason Parker, 26 February 2013 - 04:49 AM.