Matthew Craig, on 08 March 2013 - 09:00 AM, said:
Correct there's actually currently a bug with Mechs draw distance in normal vision that is also being fixed as we speak and will probably be in either the 19th patch or if not April 2nd to address that. So normal vision is your option for long range sniping.
So no long range gameplay allowed on night time or visibility reduced (fog, storm) maps, then? Because that's the primary outcome of the proposed changes. You haven't directly addressed my assessments of the changes unless i missed a post, so it's unclear if you're actively sidestepping or simply missing the point.
No one's asking for super thermal vision that allows players unlimited vision ability.
What we're pointing out is that an artificial nerf that limits engagement ranges to within 700m, given the limitations of the random map system, will mean long-range builds are no longer viable on roughly half of the maps (night time and inclement weather maps), because on those maps we will no longer be able to engage beyond 700m except in rare circumstances and then only with LRMs aimed at red squares on the screen because we can't actually see the enemy.
This in turn means that anyone who wants to play a long-range Ballistic or Energy build, so long as we're stuck within the constraint of random maps, will hurt their own ability to compete and their team's ability to win, anytime a map comes up that is a night-time or inclement weather map. ELO and matchmaking can't account for bringing the wrong mech for the job, and you haven't given the players the ability to select the right one.
Given these changes, the only way to ensure your build will work no matter which map you drop into, is to take a "safe" build, and you've just further reduced the range of "safe" builds by hurting long-range builds on any night or weather map. This is further reducing the diversity of builds we'll see fielded in actual matches.
That's preposterous gameplay design and it's another step in that direction, the first of which was introducing larger maps without the ability for the user to filter for or against them, which initiated the same problem though to a lesser degree.
The solution is, of course, to get rid of the silly random map concept so players can select an appropriate build for the map they will be dropping into.
Edited by jay35, 08 March 2013 - 10:03 AM.