Shadowpunisher, on 07 March 2013 - 06:39 PM, said:
How I know majority of players are unhappy with it ? Last poll I saw said it.
I don't have any problems to play against it, but it's not fun at all. And when I'm using a Raven 3L or a DDC I feel dirty, its too easy.
It's a GAME it should be fun to play against each others.
You mean.... this poll? --->
Yep. The majority of the players dont like ECM. Its a fact. PGI doesnt care either, The opinion of 1 developer, outweighs the hundreds that disagree.
Funny how quickly they changed their minds about the consumables idea though, and there wasnt even that much feedback about it.
People have been groaning about ECM since the day it was implemented. There is a new topic almost everday, and even sometimes several ECM topics a day complaining about how it ruins the balance of the gameplay.
Yet PGI ignores it all. They probably think they have to have a feature like this to create an endgame skill curve. They look at other games and are copying their model, but they are doing it wrong. They add in an OP feature, and expect the players to find a way to balance it out on their own in the meta. LOL does it, but LOL also nerfs things that are "too" strong all the time.
ECM is too strong. It has created a very narrow minded meta. Its not diverse, its not tactical, its not strategic. Its a very base meta that doesnt take much thought. LOL meta game is very complex, and has considerable diversity. But they also make a provision for players to ban certain champions from ranked play. Its a balancing feature. PGI also needs to make such provision for endgame play. If they dont want to balance ECM, give us the option to ban it from our premade matches. Even previous mechwarrior titles have banning options for any weapons and tech the server owner deemed unfun, or unfair.
PGI may never change ECM, but they need to add provisions for players to decide whether they want such things in their matches. Like a filter. Otherwise a huge chunk of the playerbase will eventually lose interest in playing... and paying.