Raso, on 28 March 2013 - 07:22 AM, said:
What are people's thoughts on the AC10 on the Jager?
The AC/10 is a perfectly fine weapon to use. The only problem with it is that it sits in the middle of the extremes, with AC/20s doing huge burst damage and the other weapons having better range and a bit more forgiving on whiffing your shot. If you're confident with your aim, an AC/10 is just as good, if not better than the double AC/5 I typically run. Here is how I would run it. It has lower dps than my other builds, but has basically the same burst damage.
JM6-DD Boom Pew Pew Dakka Dakka Dakka
Also great if you're running this variant and feel a need for speed or additional dakka without significantly weakening your firepower.