Pkunk, on 03 April 2013 - 03:30 AM, said:
I usually use 4 weapon groups most of the time. I guess it depends on your key mapping. I use left shift for group 3 and space for group 4. I use groups 1,2 and 3 for different weapon types and group 4 for alpha.
Alpha doesnt really count as its own weapon group frankly.. Its mostly a convenience thing between simply pressing all the weapon group buttons at the same time. Their actually is a Alpha hotkey, so you dont need to bind it at all with normal weapon groups. (though I heavily recommend moving it to a useful spot on the keyboard, shift is my favorite spot)
By no more than 3 weapon groups we mean stuff like
Group1: 2Large Lasers
Group2: 2Medium Lasers
Group3: 1Srm6
Group4: Gauss
Its just a mess to control. My personal opinion though, is that its completely fine to have a 4th weapon group if that weapon is tertiary like LRM, aka a weapon you never use in the midst of combat that doesnt actually need to be aimed.
Adalas, on 03 April 2013 - 12:52 PM, said:
Hey guys, wondered what you thought about that AWS-8V buildup.
It's my first mech btw. Been playing with it since I started playing the game and trying to optimise it ever since.
Well a good amount of advice has already been given. So Ill just chime in with a few things that may or may not have already been said.
First: Large Pulse lasers are often worse than Large lasers, the extra heat really kills the Pulse, not to mention damage falloff from range penalties.
Second: LRMs paired with PPcs and Large Lasers will be rather lackluster, basically your LRMs are producing heat at the ranges that you should be using that PPC for.
Third: A single Srm4 is rather lonely
Recomendations for weapon loadout: Consolidate one way or the other, 3 Large Pulse Lasers backed up by Lrms, 3 Largelasers backed up by SRMs, 3 PPCs backed by SRMs. Or 1PPc 2large with SRMs for a spread.
Other things: BAP isnt that great here, 1 LRM-15 doesnt make BAP worth it, and BAP gets shut down hard by ECM anyways.
I personally always recommend removing AMS, but we need to increase the speed of your mech to make that advisable.
Tag is also a bit superflous, you only have 1 LRM-15, you are spending more tonnage on the support weapons for the LRM than you are spending on ammo for it!
So shake and bake, add in a Medium laser for my own sick amusement (I love head lasers)
Now if you really wanna use those LRms lets go the other direction.
Adding in more LRMs removing Pulses and SRMs, adding in 2 Mediums for emergency close range support, and upping the engine. Position of the PPC is debatable.
Now for a Midling design, I dont really like Jack of All trade designs, but you can optimize anything!
Still removing Tag and Bap for being useless.
Your basic design made Faster and more heat efficient.
Same thing with Large Lasers instead of Pulse (More speed, more Srms, cooler)
Lazycat, on 03 April 2013 - 07:32 PM, said:
Hi all
I'm pretty new to the game and after looking over this thread and some of the builds I tried to improve my own CPLT-K2 build
I spent all my Cadet bonus money on this so far so I can't really afford a XL engine or anything. Can you suggest cheap changes for now (say < 3M) and perhaps a loadout for when I have more money?
Also I have a few questions:
Will I lose functionality in battle if my no-armor arms get destroyed since they contain dynamic armor and structure parts?
What is the best use of CASE? Is it better to lump all your ammo in with it or what?
What is the best distribution of ammo, all in one part or spread out?
Many thanks for your help!
In General
Losing Dynamic Armor doesnt matter, basically free slots.
Case.. just avoid using Case for now, its use is more fringe than you may realize, stick ammo in head/legs/arms is almost always better (with a few exceptions of course)
Ammo distribution is personal opinion.
Your K2
Stick Gauss ammo with the Gauss Rifle, the Gauss ammo will sometime absorb hits meant for the Rifle, increasing its lengevity slightly.
Immediate Change
DHS is directly superior to SHS in this build but its costly and frankly this is a low heat build to begin with.
Your K2 should probally work towards Gaussapult Status, losing the Ac2 for anouther Gauss Rifle. Dont really know the best K2 Gaussapult build atm, since Heavies arent my forte, but their should be a few builds floating around.
Regardless your K2 will benefit tremendously from having Duo balistics of the same weapon. Even Duo Ac10s will see an improvement.
The main Duo builds:
Two Gauss (Can use an XL engine)
Duo Ac20 (Can't)
Duo UltraAc5 (Can, and has the most tonnage for backups)
An example of a Ultra build (Though again K2s arent my area of expertise, thats Protections job)
Also Low cost Gauss build
Problem is.. that build is really only usable if you are really really skilled... dumb 4 tons of ammo with no backup weapons.
High Cost Gauss build
Backup weapons are lovely lovely things, their are many varients of the Gaussapult, and again I dont really run them, so best to shop around before you build one. You may even want a Jaegermech instead of a catapult.
Edited by Gidonihah, 04 April 2013 - 02:29 AM.