The Marvinbear, on 25 April 2013 - 04:01 PM, said:[/color]
I looking for some advice on my STK-3F

and do feel free to make drastic changes if needed.
Right now, I'm running this:
Sexually arousing burst, but with the obvious disadvantage of being a free kill in close combat vs anything moving faster than 40 kmph.
I used to run 6 medium pulse lasers, with all missile hardpoints stuffed with LRMs - only the pulse lasers didn't really seem to help much against anything but light mechs and pre-damaged mechs. And LRMs being my only long range damage seemed to be a game of chance, depending on the availability of cover on the battlefield.
What I'm usually the most confused by is the value of armor - how much should I have for different roles? And where?
So long, medium, short range, I don't really care - I'd like to hear what really works on this bad girl.[/color]
Just wanna play, on 25 April 2013 - 02:06 PM, said:
well that exact set-up is about as good as it gets (could def use some leg armor tho) you didn't really say how exactly you want it improved, maybe you could switch out the ppcs for large laserz??? here it is with large laserz, decent armr, and spare tonnage left for you to play around with (can upgrade engine, add srm, etc.)
The dreaded 6 PPC monster!! personally i think these babies are not as good as most people think. One alpha then cool down for 2 mins... You will get 1 maybe 2 kills a match before you are killed... Scouts love finding these babies on the battlefield as you have no defense against them.
I would suggest running full armour dropping 2 ppcs and picking up 2 streaks... Trust me you will see an increase in damage per game becasue you can fire more often. I try and fit a BAP when I have the space on my snipers as this item with the modules Adv Range and Target ID stack up..., You will basically get target info straight away allowing you to focus and damaged parts of the enemy making you more efficient on the battlefield. The streaks are just your close range defense remember your PPC's are useless upto 90 metres.
personally i use a 5 large laser build on my 3F with a standard engine for survivabilty.
But I use my 5m more often for the extra heatsink and interesting zombie mode
This build has the highest KD in all my mechs... its about 5 Alphas before she shuts down which is more than enough to core any mech.
Edited by cdrolly, 25 April 2013 - 05:34 PM.