After hearing Bryan talk about the cost of developing 1 mech (he stated it's about $60,000) and how much 1 map costs to create (he stated this costs about $70,000 to $100,000) it got me thinking what would be a way to help them raise money for the continued development of MWO that the community could accept. Seriously think about how much of a positive affect this could have on development of game. If they could double the resources for development this could increase the speed at which things come down the pipe line, could open up more servers, could also result in a drop in MC pricing. So without further adieu...
The ideas: One 30 second commercial spot after you press the launch button, commercials for things like Newegg, Tiger Direct, Dell, and ASUS for some examples. Things that make sense to the community, not adds for tampons, Centrium Silver, Cialis.
Idea number two: An add spot that plays one time right after logging in to your client.
Personally I feel this should be the future of online gaming in an effort to reduce the cost load on the community and to stabilize the funds to the development of a game. Remember, the more commercials they play the more funding they have, so having one before each drop means way more money!
Thank you for reading and voting,
Edited by Werewolf486, 27 March 2013 - 03:12 PM.
Answer three for question one has to be abstain