Caleb Lee, on 31 March 2013 - 06:10 PM, said:
No... I'm saying that I am constantly paired with the following types of players as the other 4 on our teams:
1) Little to no damage, can't hit what they do shoot at.
2) Run in as singletons.
3) No cohesiveness when they are a team, i.e. Pugs
4) Tell you to F*** off if you give any directions whatsoever.
5) No patience or situational awareness.
6) STOCK mechs.
7) Run out of ammo with cheese builds like 6 AC2 Jaegermechs.
Yeah, it's been fun. Really... Wasn't this bad prior to ELO.
Ugh... Ive been there, mentioned one little thing at the beginning of match ("stick together guys") ....was then told "yes mother" and then when it fell apart...was told in the after chat "yeah sticking together really helped" ...I was almost shocked...almost..I felt like, really your going to complain about a tactic that generally is a good rule of thumb as apposed to everyone running all over the place?