I know of 2, SDR-5K and CDA-3C, the third is either the HBK-4G or the JM6-DD.
See this topic for that, that is a wholly separate argument about why the hardpoints should be changed on those Mechs, does NOT justify changing the MG.
So instead of balancing weapons we should balance the hulls and keep broken weapons broken.
- That you do not know how to look up what a Mech variant was designed for, see link above.
A mech variant and a weapon system are two different things. The topic is simple. A weapon that could damage mechs and did (in my opinion) too much damage in the TT game has now become USELESS. The weapon is not balanced, it's as simple as that.
- That you make piles of assumptions about people, you do not need to have operated something to know how to analyze it,
I make the assumption based upon the data you deliver. Your point had no data, facts or anything that brought anything IMPORTANT to the discussion, just a short comment about your opinion.
- See point 1 that keeps getting ignored.
I agree about it, the ranges should be equal. But of you state that the damage between SL and MG should be different why do we have the damage difference on a scale of 10 to 1 on the AC/2 then?
- So all smaller weapons have to have the same comparisons to bigger weapons? Yeah, right, moving on right after you consult the source material in BT about Lasers and MGs as I did above.
Good, so I did. I have posted the facts several times that you disagree or ignore them is not my problem. Even if we ignore the facts it boils down to that this is a game where weapons and equipment are supposed to be viable to be FUN. MG's are not FUN, they are at best extreme borderline usefullness if you are lucky.
- Never knew I served in the military plus researched the subject so I know a lot more than you think or may even know.
Bragging wins no point with me about real world military which I have been a part of as well. This is about game balance.
- Like to do that Internet thing where people make assumptions about others to push their agenda instead of discussing the point. I see that on these forums a lot including this topic.
If your post had included facts to back up your opinion you would have been given a better response, like you provided in this post.
The MG is a no heat generating weapon compared to anything else, that is an advantage, comparing it to the Small Laser that generates heat you have to take that into account, cannot be ignored. Further, there is proof in BT supporting NOT comparing Lasers and MGs to equal damage.
Oh I agree. Not having heat IS an advantage, but you also have no BENEFIT from the 10 DHS you might have in your engine - which is essentially ammo regen for lasers.
Now, Small Lasers and MG's did NOT have equal damage, hell, the SL had MORE damage than the AC/2 and the MG. A +50% damage (3 to the MG's 2 and AC/2's 2.)
Lasers always do more then MG when weight is equal.
Not a problem really. The issue I DO have is based on several points.
-MG's was RADICALLY changed from all the other weapons in terms of DPS, Damage per tonne and damage per shot.
-It is the slowest weapon to deliver 80 points of damage (200 seconds)
-It is the ONLY viable ballistic weapon for light mechs without crippling a build
Why should the no heat MG do equal damage to a SL? It shouldn't, stop comparing the Mech MG to SL for damage.
Yea, we could do that, but at the same time it would be nice to gain answers to WHY they radically changed the way that weapon does damage. I can fully understand if PGI dont want the MG to be a short ranged AC/2 but giving it 1/10 of the DPS and 60% of the damage per tonne was crippling.
The reason for it to have MORE damage (not much, just more) is due to the extreme spread the weapon has, it's almost nigh impossible to hit a specific location when shooting a moving enemy at more than 50 meters with machine guns. The damage will spread out over multiple locations or miss.
So even if it got 2 DPS it would perhaps be 0,4 damage hitting the location you aim at. Personally I think 2 DPS is too much but 1 to 1,5 DPS with bullet spread and slower bullets than the lasers beam makes the weapon far harder to use than the small laser.
Damage, if you want to compare equal damage the BEST comparison is the how many MG shots equal how many AC/2 shots. From canon, damage wise, 1 Mech MG shot did the same damage as an AC2 shot.
So how much MG ammo does equal damage to how much ammo from a AC2? Bear in mind point 4 following when figuring this out.
3750 rounds of MG ammo is the equivalent of the AC/2 damage per tonne.
It takes the AC/2 37,5 seconds to deliver said damage
It takes the MG 375 seconds to deliver said damage
6,25 MINUTES to deliver 150 points of damage compared to 37,5 seconds.
And the MG needs 87,5% more ammo load to manage that
Having a x10 ammo buff is considerate comapred to other ammo using weapons. So if you want some benefit, you are OBVIOUSLY going to have to lower your ammo buff else you are being selfish. After all, ACs and Gauss have the same damage values as TT with a much less ammo buff, Missiles got nerfed for pete's sake, but you want more buffs to the weapon with x10 ammo and crit seeking (didn't have that in TT), please.
Of course we need to lower ammo load. I want a balanced viable weapon not something bastardized that we have now.
IF we made it 1DPS it could look like this:
Damage per tonne: 150
Cycle: 0,25 [Yes, the gun could do with a cycle rate]
Damage: 0,25
Ammo: 600
Now we have a 1 DPS weapon that does 4 hits per second instead of 10 so the crit chances are fewer but damage is slightly greater - and if that doesnt work we can CHANGE it because we are in a BETA.
Note I am not saying everything has to compare to TT but comparisons being made here are completely inaccurate rationally.
Oh, of course. So you DO agree that buffing the AC/2 to 4DPS which is essentially 20 TIMES the DPS it had in the TT is completely wrong then? Unlike the MG which got a X2 DPS boost and THEN THEY DOUBLED ARMOUR VALUES.
Cant you see the flaw in your argument here? By your own logic the AC/2 is wrong as well. The comparisons are made from the bloody source and we simply ask the devs WHY they deviated so extremely on ONE weapon.
Hell, when will you call the SL OP since it has 1/14 the weight of the ERPPC but has 1/3 the DPS (and no, I dont find the SL op, I do find MG's awfully underperforming.)
Buffing MGs will not only affect Light Mechs, it will affect ANY MECH WITH BALLISTIC HARDPOINTS whether you admit it or not, it is true.
So? How is that BAD? Is the Jagermech with 6MG's suddenly gonna become a deathmachine when we have people boating far more efficient weapons yet no-one has a problem with it, but this, the weakest weapon in the game and the ONLY light ballistic weapon available for under 30 tonne mechs will become OP if it is buffed?
Edited by Terror Teddy, 12 April 2013 - 11:41 AM.