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Clantech Coming Within Six Months After Launch

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#81 Soy


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:14 AM

View PostNicholas Carlyle, on 17 April 2013 - 05:26 AM, said:

All they do is do interviews and then when we explode say the interviewer misquoted.

Lol I will defend this game and the producers til the last, but this guy makes a pretty funny point.

#82 Soy


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:16 AM

No, by very definition of being an icon, it has to be seen... maybe the word you're looking for is 'idealistic'..?

Edited by Soy, 17 April 2013 - 06:16 AM.

#83 Star Captain Obvious Kerensky


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:17 AM

Given PGI's track record for weapon balance, the longer we wait, the better.

I'm actually disappointed to learn players will be able to buy clan tech. I was hoping PGI would be more creative in how players are able to use clan technology-- In a manner where their mechs could not be simply bought. Just straight up buying clan-tech immediately makes my Inner Sphere mech roster obsolete.

#84 Odanan


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:19 AM

View Postrdmgraziel, on 17 April 2013 - 05:34 AM, said:

If however they decided to nerf clan stuff down to IS level for balance issues, the MadCat would be brought down to the same level as the Orion, since it's the same weight, they'd never bring it on par with a Catapult.

God helps this won't be another MW4!! Nerf the Clan tech to balance with the IS? That would be the greatest crime in the BT history!
Streak SRM6, Ultra Autocannon 20, lighter LRMs and without minimum range... do you realize Clan Tech is much superior to IS and can't the balanced without crippling it completely?

No, there are other ways to balance the Clan vs IS thing, like uneven teams (like 12 IS vs 10 Clanners) or Clan mechs counting differently in the matchmaking.

#85 CMDR Sunset Shimmer


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:20 AM

They should roll everything back to 3025... focus on 3025/3039 era combat... and then when clans are ready, fast forward us to 3050 and run with it.

As it sits, they've borked the "real time" numbers, the clan invasion is underway right now, we should be fighting the clans right this minute... and should have been fighting them for at least a month now.

We'll be missing some important early battles...

But it's cool, whatever, PGI/IGP will continue to drag their feet... people will continue to say "it's ok" and pat them on the back for broken patches and issues that have been around since the early days of closed beta...

How I feel about MWO at this point.

Edited by Jade Kitsune, 17 April 2013 - 06:22 AM.

#86 Viper69


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:22 AM

View PostVassago Rain, on 16 April 2013 - 08:26 PM, said:

Star citizen will be out before MWO adds clans.

I cannot wait for it either! I hate to say it but MWO may get its Icon moved next to WOT on my desk top when star citizen comes into testing. Lets all be honest though. We all know they are testing clan tech and clan models in house. If they are not at least test bedding clan weapons on IS chassis they are doing a disservice to themselves. So I think the clan tech is being tested and hopefully will be fairly balanced at release as balanced as an overly imbalanced tech can be.

#87 Comguard


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:22 AM

"6 months after launch"

So, if "3 months after open beta you get community warfare" means now September, then 6 months after launch in PGI-time is...

#88 Soy


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:23 AM

Jade it's a fictional universe and a video game, get a grip! Please!!!!

#89 Zerberus


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:32 AM

View PostEldragon, on 17 April 2013 - 06:17 AM, said:

Given PGI's track record for weapon balance, the longer we wait, the better.

I'm actually disappointed to learn players will be able to buy clan tech. I was hoping PGI would be more creative in how players are able to use clan technology-- In a manner where their mechs could not be simply bought. Just straight up buying clan-tech immediately makes my Inner Sphere mech roster obsolete.

Yes and no.

We have NO details on teh iimplementation, so everything is pure speculation.

For all we know, a new account might be needed to play clan, or the intentional sale of all but one mech as proof of loyalty when becoming a bondsman, or a second, independent pilot on teh same account, or....

See what I`m getting at?

Yes, according to canon, Clans are in every way superior. That does not necessarily have to be the case here. Everybody seems to assume that they will just take tt values and put them in. But why would they confine themselves to that when it`S been shown time and time again that true to tt values usually don`t work out so well? Maybe a clan erPPC will only generate.5ht less and do .5 damage more than it`s IS counterpart, making it superior but not in any way mind alteringly so.

Again, any and all talk about the clans other than "They`re coming after release" has always been pure speculation on teh part of the community. Leading to disappointments such as percieved delays that don`t exist (it was NEVER said that Clans would be implemented at /on release, only speculated by us), and even wilder ragethreads about things that the Devs never even said or implied will be implemented as originally designed, such as OP weapons.

If I were the devs, I woul be keeping my trap completely sealed, too. They get flamed for everything they say and do anyway, so why not at least have th elast laugh when they drop the "clan bomb" on us next year and prove everybody was just being paranoid and /or stupid? ;)

#90 Erasus Magnus


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:32 AM

View PostKinLuu, on 17 April 2013 - 12:00 AM, said:


I expect CW to be a total mess on release and that it will take at least the whole of 2014 to get it working right.

"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst" it is.

#91 CMDR Sunset Shimmer


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:37 AM

Community Warfare is simple, they literally need to copy-paste the system they had for Chromehounds, and expand it a bit to utilize planets instead of ground locations.

That's it, that's all they have to do, and they won't even do that. Hell they can't even put out concept art and mech's on time, Are we really expecting them to not screw up CW?

And Clans... oh god, it's going to be a ***********. They going to do 2 stars vs 3 lances? How are they going to set that up without having some form of BV system in place?

at the end of the day, I've seen how this ends, there's no comstar with a hidden set of lostech mechs... there's no winning here. Clan tech won't see the light of day... and if it does, I'll be shocked.

#92 Zyllos


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:43 AM

View PostOdanan, on 17 April 2013 - 06:11 AM, said:

Good spotting! Thanks for sharing this with us.

Having time to play the Community Warfare only with IS mechs is not that bad. Not to mention we might get more IS mechs (it is your chance, UrbanMech!).

Facts I believe (and kind of hope):

- They will wait to put Clans vs IS until the Clans are enough tested.
- If a player choose to be clanner, he will play only with Clan mechs. Kind of heartbreaking, but life is made of tough choices, guys.
- We won't have teams in a match with both Clan and IS mechs. That's not only harder to balance, but it breaks the immersion (remember me of WoT with Russian tanks fighting alongside German tanks).
- They will release 4 Clan omnimechs at the same time, one of each weight class.
- There will be some sort of "Clan Founders" program (count me in!).
- "Clan Founders" will have early access to the Clan mechs/technology (playing only against Clan mechs, for sure).

Let me make sure, you are saying there will never be a Madcat (Timber Wolf, whatever, sue me, I am a freeborn!) and Catapult on the same team? Good, if that is what you mean.

Or are you saying we will never see a Vulture on one team vs a Dragon on the other team (Meaning Clan vs IS)? Bad, if that is the case.

The first case, I think, is what EVERYBODY wants. Strictly Clan mechs vs strictly IS mechs. But the issue is how to balance the IS community vs the Clan community?

#93 Star Captain Obvious Kerensky


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:46 AM

View PostZerberus, on 17 April 2013 - 06:32 AM, said:

Yes and no.

We have NO details on teh iimplementation, so everything is pure speculation.

Yes, according to canon, Clans are in every way superior. That does not necessarily have to be the case here. Everybody seems to assume that they will just take tt values and put them in. But why would they confine themselves to that when it`S been shown time and time again that true to tt values usually don`t work out so well?

Again, any and all talk about the clans other than "They`re coming after release" has always been pure speculation on teh part of the community. Leading to disappointments such as percieved delays that don`t exist (it was NEVER said that Clans would be implemented at /on release, only speculated by us), and even wilder ragethreads about things that the Devs never even said or implied will be implemented as originally designed, such as OP weapons.

Reread the OP. Then consider PGI's track record of using TT values verbatim. When I read "Players can join a clan, and buy clan tech" I would be very surprised if it is anything more than selecting your desired faction from the GUI, and then you have access to clan tech.

Maybe community warfare is going to be super-awesome and solve any clan balance issues, but again, PGI has proven time and again that they are willing to let balance problems stew for months.

#94 jay35


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:49 AM

RE: Clan content arriving 2-3quarters after launch -- Excellent news! Another 9-10 months of IS tech viability is a good thing. There's really no reason to hurry the Clan Invasion when we have so much IS tech yet to be delivered.

Edited by jay35, 17 April 2013 - 06:50 AM.

#95 buttmonkey


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:54 AM

man they ****** the time line up so bad. in over a year we will be more than a little late for the invasion. it would have been so much better to have the game working properly including community warfare as the clans begin to invade. so we have been fighting for territory for months when the clans start to show up. but alas the clans have already invaded the periphery and we can do nothing, and in over a year we will still have done nothing, just being teased by inner sphere news flashes of clan invaders while we sit back and grind our cbills.

unless of course pgi plans on a sneaky reset before the official launch which i would welcome as long as we get refunded all the xp cbills mc etc etc. basically just reset the timeline to closed beta time so that when the clans come in over a years time it will to invade the periphery. i dunno thats the way i see it being most interesting

#96 CMDR Sunset Shimmer


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:55 AM

View Postjay35, on 17 April 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:

RE: Clan content arriving 2-3quarters after launch -- Excellent news! Another 9-10 months of IS tech viability is a good thing. There's really no reason to hurry the Clan Invasion when we have so much IS tech yet to be delivered.

you do understand that the issue isn't exactly that the clans are that far off... but that this is the like, 4th time they've been pushed back?

Trust me, I don't care about the clans AT ALL... [not going to lie I do like the mad cat and thor... but nostalgia reasons]

I much prefer 3025 inner sphere tech... I'd rather they ditch the whole 3050 thing and focus on 3025 era mechs, and tech... But they committed to 3050 [for whatever reason] and are now, horribly off scheduled. nearly a year if this is true. [I expect it to be longer honestly.]

Moving Goalposts... imagine if you kicked a football, and you would have made the goal... but the goalpost suddenly moved and you missed. PGI keeps doing this.

#97 zmeul


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:57 AM

View PostLonestar1771, on 17 April 2013 - 05:58 AM, said:

Besides CW, clans are where the money is at because that's what the younger people recognize.

younger people? how old are you o.O

I'm 32 but in the east commie Europe we didn't had Battletech board games or TV shows until late 90s
so, to us, yes .. the clan mechs are most recognizable because of the MechWarrior franchise

#98 jay35


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 07:03 AM

View Postbuttmonkey, on 17 April 2013 - 06:54 AM, said:

man they ****** the time line up so bad. in over a year we will be more than a little late for the invasion.

Heck, I hope they toss the timeline out the window completely. It would cut down on the QQ significantly around here when it comes to Clan discussions. I'd rather have them release it when it's ready, rather than rush it.
I also hope they toss the timeline when it comes to introducing mechs, so there's a chance of seeing some cool IS mechs before Clan tech potentially invalidates their use.

#99 Ransack


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 07:04 AM

View PostLonestar1771, on 17 April 2013 - 05:58 AM, said:

CW will just be a glorified lobby and a map screen, other than that the game won't change.

This, is what I fear. We will have waited many moons for a lobby and a picture that changes color.

#100 rdmgraziel


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 07:41 AM

I think Clan tech will be mixed with IS tech at some point since, technically, couldn't mercs and houses get access Clan mechs/tech if they won battles vs Clanners?

Ex: You headshot a MADCAT. You get the MADCAT and its armaments as salvage. The cockpit gets repaired with IS equivalents (essentially that of a Catapult), but you get the shiny Clanner tech. Huzzah! You go back to your lance and show off your shiny new toy as you go to take on an enemy merc lance.

Or you don't bother using it as is. You strip down the MADCAT and steal the shiny tech you just got to upgrade your *INSERT IS MECH OF CHOICE HERE* Huzzah! You go back to your lance and show off your shiny new toy as you go to take on an enemy merc lance.

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