Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:46 PM
Nice tool! Its cool to see a company to learn how to walk...
Is it posible to implement each patch paket as a single compression file into the main file and check each sub file with the md5 summ? Its still not cheat proof, but can speed up the process.
Bug: when 2Way consolidation is default=ON it tries to "correct" the default settings of the systemoverride.cfg file.
When 2way Consolidation is turned OFF in Options manually, then the entire installtion is OK.
I have no modifications on this file!
Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:20 PM
Garagano, on 28 April 2013 - 02:46 PM, said:
Nice tool! Its cool to see a company to learn how to walk...
no because the repairer breaks the game. spent +2 hours trying to get my user.cfg back that it took away. then when i went to delete my game it would not let me reinstall it.
Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:26 PM
This brought my framerate down to <15 again, and feels like it did nothing to solve the CTD issue.
So I put SweetFX back on an lo and behold, I have 25 FPS again. (something which in itself is already IMO grounds for concern, but a subject for a different thread or as support ticket)
While I think it`s great for PGI to release a repair tool that obviously does reset the game to "fresh install" or at least a similar state, I feel the results for the user need to be a bit less hit-and-miss, whether the cause be hardware or software.
Edited by Zerberus, 28 April 2013 - 03:28 PM.
Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:09 PM
First Scan:
D:\Mechwarrior Online\MechWarrior Online\Bin32\CryRenderD3D11.dll-->http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/live/Bin32/CryRenderD3D11.dll
D:\Mechwarrior Online\MechWarrior Online\Bin32\CryRenderD3D9.dll-->http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/live/Bin32/CryRenderD3D9.dll
D:\Mechwarrior Online\MechWarrior Online\Bin32\frontend_version.dll-->http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/live/Bin32/frontend_version.dll
D:\Mechwarrior Online\MechWarrior Online\Bin32\MWOClient.exe-->http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/live/Bin32/MWOClient.exe
D:\Mechwarrior Online\MechWarrior Online\Game\ForestColony_ig.pak-->http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/live/Game/ForestColony_ig.pak
D:\Mechwarrior Online\MechWarrior Online\Game\Objects.pak-->http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/live/Game/Objects.pak
All downloaded, all repaired. Running the tool again immediately afterward, it didn't flag any files as needing to be replaced.
I suspect a large part of that is that I install into a custom location on a second disk, bypassing the default Program Files. Online games really do NOT need to be in Program Files, that just adds a layer of complications to patching and troubleshooting.
Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:48 PM
keith, on 28 April 2013 - 03:20 PM, said:
no because the repairer breaks the game. spent +2 hours trying to get my user.cfg back that it took away. then when i went to delete my game it would not let me reinstall it.
It showed me files that wasnt to be expected there, like my no-intro files, but of course i didnt "fix" them.
You should have read the report before hitting the fix button, imho.
The tool should be delivered with a warning, "...can reset your personal settings and modifications on your game, and will reset the game to the state of a fresh installment..."
AND be renamed to "Game Files Validation Tool", because that is what it is.
The word "Repair" does rise to much expectations of naive users, it seems.
Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:09 PM
Posted 29 April 2013 - 12:12 AM
Posted 29 April 2013 - 06:45 AM
Garagano, on 28 April 2013 - 10:48 PM, said:
You should have read the report before hitting the fix button, imho.
The tool should be delivered with a warning, "...can reset your personal settings and modifications on your game, and will reset the game to the state of a fresh installment..."
AND be renamed to "Game Files Validation Tool", because that is what it is.
The word "Repair" does rise to much expectations of naive users, it seems.
ow no ever file that it said to fix was like object, maps and such. this was the original install file form after closed beta. i never had problems with the game, just ran it for the hell of it and it destroyed my game.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 07:17 AM
I might consider running this when more of the apparent bugs are ironed out, seeing as how I don't need to use it. I almost never have any bad bugs, and the most I usually get is a missing minimap or some texture issues on Frozen City/Frozen City Night.
I really don't need a boost in FPS, because mine is pretty much as high as it can go, unless I'm using recording software, in which case it dips to low 40s/high 30s.
I'll check back in a few days to see if the dangerous bugs are fixed.
Even if they aren't, this is a great idea. Seems to have helped at least some of the players.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 07:43 AM
keith, on 28 April 2013 - 03:20 PM, said:
Does it really take you 2+ hours to creata a simple .cfg file in Notepad and copy-pasta some text inside?
As far as stuck reinstallation goes, just delete the registry entries (that is, if you really deleted the game completely, if you do this and the game is fine, well... but I expect you know this stuff if you got past the registry part and didn't have to google it).
Posted 29 April 2013 - 07:57 AM
What errors does it want to fix?
Also two-way consolidation was turned off, so there is no reason that it would check all files it finds, instead it should just check all files listed in the RemoteMD5s.txt manifest.
Krist Smith, on 25 April 2013 - 01:16 PM, said:
This repacking is however the likely step where patching fails for people and packages become corrupt. You could just patch the package instead of its contents (might need a different algorithm than bsdiff), that would both take care of that problem as well as allow you guys to use hashes for the packages themselves for faster client integrity testing.
Edited by Snib, 29 April 2013 - 07:59 AM.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 10:50 AM
pesco, on 26 April 2013 - 04:29 PM, said:
Yeah...that's what we're doing already, except we do it to the files contained in the pak. If we did it to the whole pak file, then a small change to one file inside would lead to a very large change to the pak file as a whole, resulting in a huge delta and bringing our patch sizes up to around the 1GB mark.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 11:27 AM
Krist Smith, on 29 April 2013 - 10:50 AM, said:
Oh, wouldn't have thought so, assuming pak files compressed each contained file separately simlar to ZIP. Actually, I expected .pak to be .zip by another name, but googling appears to indicate otherwise.
Edited by pesco, 29 April 2013 - 11:27 AM.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 12:01 PM
crashed immediately. But I have a clue why, see below:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: mworepairtool.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 517b01c9
Problem Signature 04: System
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 5073c71b
Problem Signature 07: 2f94
Problem Signature 08: 72
Problem Signature 09: System.Net.WebException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
I've got a very restrictive firewall, that is set up to "block outgoing per default" and asks/prompts when a new unknown program tries to open a connection. Deactivated firewall - Repair Tool doesn't crash (running and checking atm). It seems my firewall takes some time until recognizing a connection and opening the prompt, but on the other hand I don't think the Repair Tool should crash on an unhandled exception if it cannot connect to the server. Yeah, low priority, I know. Will edit this post when the Tool has finished.
Edit: Found and replaced some probably corrupted files, game starts again - seems like it fixed the corruptions successfully. *thumbsup* (though I still don't understand HOW the game files can be corrupted - they shouldn't be opened with write access rights?)
Edited by Phaesphoros, 29 April 2013 - 12:08 PM.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 12:52 PM
will game still work?
Edited by King Arthur IV, 29 April 2013 - 12:52 PM.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 01:24 PM
King Arthur IV, on 29 April 2013 - 12:52 PM, said:
Well, that's (currently) where rendering settings are being saved. This will be changing soon (possibly in the next patch), since this is a very bad place to store such things, and is not the intended purpose of an override config. The additional complication comes from the fact that some users are going into that file and making modifications directly, which can easily break things.
The potential benefit of deleting this file is that if there are any obsolete settings or user-entered settings (which, like I said, is dangerous and should NOT be the case), then wiping out this file may fix any problems associated with those settings.
The downside is that after deleting this file, most of your rendering settings will return to default. Your profile settings will stay intact (unless you also enable the "Delete profiles" option in the repair tool). Things like key mappings are per-profile, so they will remain unaffected when deleting systemoverride.cfg. So, while it's not a big deal, you'll have to go back into the game options and set your resolution and such to whatever you had it set to prior to running the repair tool.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 01:33 PM
Krist Smith, on 29 April 2013 - 01:24 PM, said:
thanks for the quick reply.
since early april patches i have been crashing almost every game. i just ran your program and deleted the system overide file. the program said i had no errors but i clicked fix anyway.
i have currently played 2 games with no crashes. going for lucky number 3 now.
more like unlucky number 3. ohwell 2 game was nice while it lasted.
Edited by King Arthur IV, 29 April 2013 - 02:11 PM.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 09:55 PM
Starting... Checking file: system.cfg Checking file: systemoverride.cfg Checking file: bin32\bdiff_utils.dll Checking file: bin32\bootstrapsentinel.exe Checking file: bin32\cryrenderd3d11.dll Checking file: bin32\cryrenderd3d9.dll Checking file: bin32\fmodex.dll Checking file: bin32\fmod_event.dll Checking file: bin32\fmod_event_net.dll Checking file: bin32\frontend_version.dll Checking file: bin32\mechwarrioronline.exe Checking file: bin32\mwoclient.exe Checking file: bin32\mwopatcher.exe Checking file: bin32\nvdxtlibrary.dll Checking file: bin32\patcher_version.dll Checking file: bin32\patchtarget.dll Checking file: bin32\txaa.win32.dll Checking file: engine\engine.pak Checking file: engine\shaders.pak Checking file: game\animations.pak Checking file: game\bumpers.pak Checking file: game\causticvalley_ig.pak Checking file: game\desert_ig.pak Checking file: game\forestcolony_ig.pak Checking file: game\frozencity_ig.pak Checking file: game\gamedata.pak Checking file: game\industrial_ig.pak Checking file: game\objects.pak Checking file: game\rivercity_ig.pak Checking file: game\scripts.pak Checking file: game\shadercache.pak Checking file: game\shadercachestartup.pak Checking file: game\shadersbin.pak Checking file: game\skyboxes_ig.pak Checking file: game\sounds.pak Checking file: game\textures.pak Checking file: game\levels\alpinepeaks\level.pak Checking file: game\levels\causticvalley\level.pak Checking file: game\levels\forestcolony\level.pak Checking file: game\levels\forestcolony_snow\level.pak Checking file: game\levels\frozencity\level.pak Checking file: game\levels\frozencity_night\level.pak Checking file: game\levels\mechlab\level.pak Checking file: game\levels\rivercity\level.pak Checking file: game\levels\rivercity_night\level.pak Checking file: game\levels\tourmalinedesert\level.pak Checking file: game\localized\english.pak Checking file: game\localized\french.pak Comparing hashes... No mismatches were found! FOUND LOCAL FILES FOR REMOVAL! C:\Games\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\systemoverride.cfg
After i ran it, I checked the "options" and the checkbox that says "Delete systemoveride.cfg" is uncheked.
(it says its version )
I chose not to click the "Fix Errors" button at this time.
Note to those who ran this, and then experienced FPS drops: if systemoveride.cfg is where the graphics settings are being stored, and the file is deleted, it will probably reset your graphics settings. If you lower them to what they were before, it may fix your issue. I can think of 2 reasons they might have been lower before:
1.) You changed the settings a long time ago (and possibly forgot)
2.) The game used different default settings when it first created the config file, compared to when it (just) re-created it. Either PGI changed what the defaults are, or possibly you updated your hardware since the first install, so it assumed you could run it at higer settings (which papparently you can't)
Posted 30 April 2013 - 04:38 AM
Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:45 AM
E:\Games\MechWariorOnline\MechWarrior Online\systemoverride.cfg
is what I get every time.
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