UI2.0: Where to begin....
It seems a lot of work needs to be done on UI 2.0 to make it usable day to day. Several areas are very poorly laid out, and some interactions don't provide the feedback required for a person to make a decision.
The Home Screen:
I'm hoping the giant blank area eventually gets populated with something. I'm guessing it's the placeholder for the ad/rss streams. You should put a placeholder box there or something.
'Mechlab' and 'Select Mech' are the same button and go to the same place. Eliminate 'Select Mech' and rename 'Mechlab' to 'Battlemechs'. It's more descriptive of where you are going (as the mechlab is actually hidden under the 'configure' button)
Skills structured cascading drop downs are good, but the mech tree 'all' screen should have 'bars' that divide the list into light, medium, heavy, assault. ( I can't actually unlock anything though ). The Pilot tree is much better, and I prefer the label 'unlock' rather than the uninformative lock icon. Eliminate the 'efficiency unlocked' dialog though, it's useless, as that information is already clearly displayed.
Select Mech Screen:
Rename 'All' to 'Owned' and eliminate the trial mechs from this screen.
Limit the width to three or four mechs, and place EACH mech class on its own row (stalker gets two), even if you only own one or two of that chassis.
Make the pop-out info bigger and more readable
Mechs aren't orderable

. Group the mechs by order of tonnage, lightest to heaviest, with header bars. Twists on the bars to let user hide or show a weight class quickly.
Mechlab (aka Configure):
Consider renaming the button from configure to mechlab.
It should jump right into loadout. The extra step/click isn't needed. These buttons should always be visible, too.
Oh god, those engines. Just no. You have great artists, but a giant field of IDENTICAL graphics to select distinct items is really bad. Give me two tabs, STD and XL at the top, and set of numbered twists for every 25 tons that is applicable to the selected mech (ie: 275, 300, 325, 350). Clicking on the twist expands out the engines within that rating group. The only info that is displayed is engine size, tonnage and price. Use the graphics in the expanded info fly out. Make it at least distinct for STD and XL.
Same for weapons, etc. I'd redo this whole section. Having only the weapons possible for a section is good, but it's still clunky. This is an artifact of trying to have the mech dictate what can be equipped, and have what can be equipped dictate what of the mech is shown. Pick one, and stick with it.
Instead, have the mech stand in isometric view, and have weapon/item type selectors on the left. Selecting a type 'slices' the mech apart, showing a layer with only those hardpoints highlighted. I need to draw a picture of this, it's too wordy to describe.
The invalid label is useless. Red is fine, but the label should be the reason (no hardpoint, no tonnoge, no slots).
Confusing layout, group them together by type in some way.
Weapon Groups:
If you don't save your mech before clicking this, you are given the option to save, which is good. If you mech is invalid in some way, it tells you that but then leaves you in limbo, unable to go anywhere. (adding FF and Endo to the JR7-D(F) is all it takes to replicate this)
Unless you alt-F4, you need ot log out and then quit. Just give us a quit option from the logout button.