Battlemech 20: Victor
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:13 AM
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:17 AM

Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:17 AM
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:18 AM
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:19 AM
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:22 AM
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:23 AM
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:24 AM

The (+X) indicate suggested additional hardpoints.
EDIT: updated table.
Edited by Odanan, 25 May 2013 - 12:15 PM.
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:25 AM
Crap now I need to choose between orion and victor in the future.....if hatomoto-chi joins the line up i may suffer a mental breakdown.
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:26 AM
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:31 AM
The roar of her jump jets fill her ears as she barely makes it up the hill firing her gauss rifle at the distant Atlas under the cover of ECM, missing completely and damaging her own legs as she clips through the terrain. As it turned to fire back, she waits till just before it had her in his sights to run behind cover. Twin PPC blasts hit the ground where she was, followed by a gauss round, as her second gauss shot smacks into its side torso doing no damage due to poor hit detection
The fight continues for a solid minute and a half, and her opponent is clearly not amused as he too has a ping of over 150. As another flight of LRMs sails toward her, she lands her mech behind cover, which does no good as the LRMs banked a 80 degree decline and hit her rear. Popping out on the other side, she lands with just enough of the Atlas in sight to fire off a round before moving again, which then hits the invisible wall on the other side of the structure. The Atlas stops in its tracks due to the player disconnecting the server
"This is Captain Von DumbDumb to Alpha lance, are you close to my position? I have one enemy Atlas remaining, a rage quitter"
"We’re with you, Captain. Five-hundred metres out and closing. You have enemy poptart and an ERPPC boat close”
"Roger – Running away”
As she jumpjets over another obstacle, she sees a quick glimpse of her opponents covered by ECM. The Cataphract rises into the air before her in the distance, letting off an alpha of two ERPPC’s and a Gauss shot, completely hitting her center torso. Reaching the apex of its jump, she fires her gauss, missing again due to poor hit detection. As the ERPPC boat moves to her left behind cover, and she closes the distance to the ‘Phract. Rising he fires, his rounds sailing wide of her due to his room mate pirating The Game Of Thrones. She returns, firing her gauss as he reaches his apex, and just as before, hitting the right side torso. Injured, she closes the space to come within SRM range.
As she strides along at 64 km/h, her first SRM4 salvo crashes into the ‘Phract, doing a piddly 4 damage. This time her opponent fires at her from the ground, just as she taps her jump jets, which was a big mistake. Landing she fires her gauss rifle and medium lasers, holding off on the SRMs until the next patch. The enemy Cataphract’s side torso explodes outward, hurling sideways into the ground due to having an XL engine.
Assuming the ERPPC boat to be behind her at this point, she turns and lifts off just as an ERPPCs hit her, damaging both her legs and the rest of her rear armor, followed by a volley of SRMs missing entirely because his parents are threatening to turn off the modem. Landing she returns fire with a gauss/medium laser combo to her opponents centre torso, followed by another gauss, the ERPPC boat fires and overheats. She quickly closes the distance as it tries to sneak shots as the mech restarts, she finds that she had Destroyed the Assault mech's XL engine
“*****, south! F6, all!” yelled her dead teammate
"kk” She replies, smashing her leg on the next obstacle
Alarms rang through her cockpit:
“Lermers, you mad?”
“yes” she says, frowning down at her Victor after landing behind cover, splitting both her legs and losing the round "This happens every time.”
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:31 AM
Xeno Phalcon, on 24 May 2013 - 11:25 AM, said:
Crap now I need to choose between orion and victor in the future.....if hatomoto-chi joins the line up i may suffer a mental breakdown.
Same here. Orion or Victor... Victor or Orion?
As a TBT pilot... maybe Victor... but I love the Orion.
Crap indeed.

Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:32 AM
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:33 AM
Kitane, on 24 May 2013 - 10:38 AM, said:
Hmm, triple AC/20 Victor can't have endo-steel upgrade (one crit slot left for ammo) or XL engine. He is going to be nightmarishly slow with an engine not much better than STD200. JJs are out of question.
Consider the VTR-9A1 variant of the Victor and its potential for triple-AC/20 and/or triple-Gauss madness...

The Machine Guns for the Cicada's CDA-3C variant were moved from the legs to the side-torsos, so the VTR-9A1 variant of the 80-ton Victor (if implemented) could see the same change.
Such a change would give the VRT-9A1 at least one ballistic hardpoint in each of the Right Arm, Right Torso, and Left Torso (in addition to at least two energy hardpoints in the Left Arm and at least one missile hardpoint in the Left Torso).
And it's jump-capable, to boot.
As an example of what one could do with such a VTR-9A1...
Version 1
- Endo-Steel Chassis
- 240 XL Engine (top speed: 54 kph)
- Three Jump Jets (RT, CT, LT)
- Twelve tons of Standard Armor (75% of maximum)
- Ten Single Heat Sinks (one in the Head)
- Armament: x3 Gauss Rifles (RA, RT, LT) with x4 tons of ammo (all in legs)
- All tonnage and criticals used
- Endo-Steel Chassis
- 320 XL Engine (top speed: 64.8 kph)
- Three Jump Jets (RT, CT, LT)
- Fourteen tons of Standard Armor (90% of maximum)
- Ten Single Heat Sinks (All in Engine)
- Armament: x3 UAC/5s (RA, RT, LT) with x7 tons of ammo (all in legs and arms), x2 MPLas (LA), x1 SSRM-2 (LT) with x1 ton of ammo (LA)
- All tonnage and criticals used
- Endo-Steel Chassis
- 240 XL Engine (top speed: 54 kph)
- Three Jump Jets (RT, CT, LT)
- 11.5 tons of Standard Armor (74% of maximum)
- Ten Double Heat Sinks (nine in Engine, one in LA)
- Armament: x3 AC/10s (RA, RT, LT) with x5 tons of ammo (all in legs and RA), x2 MLas (LA), x1 SSRM-2 (LT) with x1 ton of ammo (LA)
- All tonnage used, 7 criticals remain
It is a fast, Assault-class, jump-capable, triple-UAC/5 (plus back-up weapons) sniper/brawler.
It is an Assault-class, jump-capable, triple-AC/10 (plus back-up weapons) brawler.
And it's one of five timeline-appropriate Victor variants.
Need a lot of big guns? Vote for the VTR-9A1 Victor!

EDIT: Also, the VTR-9A variant (another of the five timeline-appropriate Victor variants) natively carries a Machine Gun in the Left Torso, in addition to the AC/20 in the minimally-actuated Right Arm - making it the Assault-class, jump-capable, dual-heavy-ballistics 'Mech that the heavier Highlander can't be.
So, there are two reasons for ballistics-lovers to advocate for the Victor...

As for the notion of triple-AC/20 madness...
Strum Wealh, on 30 April 2013 - 04:06 PM, said:
Proposed VTR-9A1 Victor, triple AC/20 modification
- Standard Chassis
- 160 STD Engine (top speed: 32 kph)
- Two Jump Jets (RT, LT)
- Eleven tons of Standard Armor (~71% of maximum)
- Ten Single Heat Sinks (x6 in Engine, x2 in CT, x2 in LA)
- Armament: x3 AC/20s (RA, RT, LT) with x5 tons of ammo (all in legs and Head)
- x2 CASE (LT, RT)
- All tonnage used, 6 criticals free

If PGI implements the VTR-9A1 variant AND if PGI moves the leg-mounted MGs (and the associated ballistic hardpoints) from the legs to the respective side-torsos (as was done for the MWO rendition of the CDA-3C Cicada variant), then the Victor has the potential to become an Assault-class ballistics platform second only to the likes of the Annihilator and Thunder Hawk (and perhaps some OmniMechs of equal or greater weight, depending on how those are implemented).
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:39 AM
Edited by General Taskeen, 24 May 2013 - 11:40 AM.
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:44 AM
Adridos, on 24 May 2013 - 10:10 AM, said:
VTR-9A1 - A modification of the 9A model, the 9A1 adds only two Machine Guns to the 'Mech for anti-infantry use. The 'Mech has ten tons of armor, making it better protected then the 9A Model and the two Machine Guns allow the 'Mech to have excellent anti-infantry combat capabilities. BV (1.0) = 1,110, BV (2.0) = 1,302
Those machine guns are in side torsoes.

No they're not. They're leg-mounted.
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:46 AM
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