LexLuther, on 30 May 2013 - 03:00 PM, said:
Though the 666 symbol may have originated within Christianity. It's not used or associated with the PRACTICE of Christianity. It's used and associated with, namely the practice Satanism. The rams head in Paganism and Wicca additionally. By your logic the use of the swastika should always be associated with Indian religions because of its origins.
There was nothing flawed about my statement. By your own admission, what I said was logical and it was you that misunderstood it.
You really have to be kidding me if you're actually attempting to school me on the fact 666 is indicative of Satani
c worshippers
Like, really? You got "this guy clearly has no understanding of what 666 represents!" this entire time? lol
Also, how would you get Indian origins for the swastika being the end all thing from the logic I've used so far? I would straight up connect that with Nazis, every single time. There is no "by my logic" in this, just sane logic, where things are linked up to what everyone knows them as and there isn't any irrelevancy coming out of left field. Frankly, thank Hitle
r for that one, he made it more famous than ever possible.
Like, you've done the whole irrelevancy spiel twice now. Once when you started saying inane things like Muslims being offended by a Jewish oriented mech (BECAUSE THAT'S SO LIKELY TO HAPPEN COMPARED TO THE FIREBRAND SITUATION. MECH WALKING AROUND WITH STARS OF DAVID AND DREIDELS ON THE DASH.), and now with the swastika like it has any bearing on the topic at hand. Stay focused
Additional also, the entire reason I brought up "good" symbols for Christianity was because you yourself brought up (and then never ever responded to my response to it) the whole thing about Christian symbols on a mech. For example, a cross, Jesus fish, trinity symbol, etc. Those are inherently good symbols, as opposed to the 666 which is....don't even need to go on if you're lost here. This is also an example of a flawed statement you made, stating that I'm only talking about symbols of evil here when I totally had an entire statement devoted to asking you to clarify about good symbols (supposedly? who's to know, you won't say anything on it and without clarification I must instantly just misunderstand!) and how they affect Atheists. You chose to just say nothing to it, so it was left unanswered.
I get it, you're trying to be a know it all about all this....but you're not actually driving home any real point, and supporting not offending people for reasons that have been invalidated by my statements and others.
So basically, this just leaves me with copious amounts of wtf as far as whether you're grasping what I've been saying here since it's been obvious from the beginning I have a perfect understanding of the difference between good and evil symbols in Christianity.
LexLuther, on 30 May 2013 - 03:59 PM, said:
The conversation is about religious symbols. 666 specifically is on the new Jagermech.
Stone Profit, on 30 May 2013 - 05:33 PM, said:
666 is actually a concept created by christianity and was merely adopted by satanism, which occured two thousand years later (roughly). You pick and choose your "logic" when in reality you just plug your ears and go "lalalalala" and act like youre right, which youre not. Par for the course of religious people who demand things be changed to the way they think they should be in A FREE SOCIETY.
Dont like it, dont play it.
and yeah, there we go. 666 is literally in the Bible in it's later years, still going strong after Nero, and then really got amped up in the last couple hundred years.
Now that the history lesson is over, who gives a crap? Oh, right, church ladies and people who tiptoe in life lol