Thomas Covenant, on 06 June 2013 - 01:02 PM, said:
We do not take about the moral stance but about language and common use of language. It is the code people use to share thoughts and communicate. It does only work properly if we accept some definitions.
Of course you can talk about a "ball" and mean a "calculator" but it will not help yourself to share thoughts with other or communicate properly.
No back to pay to win.
There is a generally accepted definition of pay to win. If everybody (not just some special people but the general mass) who pays real money gets an advantage in winning.
That's the definition. You can hate it, you can have other defintions, but all of this will not help you to communicate here.
Your metaphor is out of place. Because everything I said and discussed had nothing to do with the "need" of the many. It is about objectivity und subjectivity.
Your argument is flawed because the axiom on which you built it, your defintion, is deeply flawed. And as long as you cannot built your argument without that flawed axiom there is no need to discuss further.
Yes in a world where if of 7 billion people on this planet one human might exist who would get an advantage in a game by buying a mech with money (who is only buyable with money), and this would be considered "pay to win", yes, then it would be pay to win.
But that is not the defintion used for pay to win. And yes, if you think your axiom to its logical conclusion that you would have to agree that it would be pay to win. And if you cannot see that this result is absolutely absurd... then... well...