Genewen, on 08 June 2013 - 07:28 AM, said:
I read what you wrote, and as I said, it isn't true. Your hypothesis is that you should have a 50:50 win ratio over time, this is demonstrably and factually incorrect.
It might be how you would like it to work but it is not in point of fact the case. As in the very link I put in my post the goal of the MM is not to push you to 50:50 wins it is to reward you proportionately to the weighted probability of you winning which is something that will depend on the players joining and qued at a the time you wish to play.
The MM isn't working within tight enough limits to push the top players towards 50:50 win loss. I am unaware of any dev statement that says it should be doing so.
Top Elo players would be qued for a very long time if this was the case.