1. First and foremost: Speed. Be fast be mobile, if you are going to stop moving have a good reason. A fast moving target is a hard target to hit with heavy firepower. Most times you can outmaneuver an Assault Mech into the ground and there are cases where circling can be a bad thing, because you are going to running through his field of fire every time you come around, which can come to the next big thing...
2. Use your superior mobility to you advantage and to your target's annoyance. Most times against heavier mechs I have tossed circling out the window and would at times stop behind him and reverse and come back around the other side and if I am lucky I can just stay close behind and not be subject to much return fire if any (this works especially well on Stalkers)
3. Be a sneak. If you have plans to run wide and come around behind them, control your trigger finger. If you have eyes on them and they have not seen you yet, don't blow your cover until you're ready to attack. Rolling up behind a Heavy or Assault and blowing their back armor off at point blank can have some devastating and also confusing effects. I took out a Highlander once before his buddies figured out I was even there.
4. Defense line breaking/harassing. Jenners work well at hit and run. Come in fast on their flank or rear and take shots at a few of them and zip off. If their whole team happened to be there you can draw half of them off and separate that pack a little. If you get any faster chasers lead them into your teammates. Rinse and repeat, if you finish the match with 8 assists your job is done
5. Jump Jets. Don't take them off, they are your life saver. If you are fleeing in terror from chasers its most times faster to hop over that rock than run around it, or even better get up a cliff they can't follow you up. A little harder to master is the jump 'n' gun. Works well against slower targets; run in towards your victim shoot on the way in, run right by hit the jets and turn 180, tap 'em to hover backwards and take a few more shots at him, then by they time he turns around you can whip him with the same thing again. This also works while fleeing a target, just hop up turn and shoot and land in the direction you're going to moving next. It's good at keeping them guessing (and missing).
*Warning*: this can often times result in both legs being blown off due to them hitting low.
5.5: only a side note: Armor that little beast up. Its default armor hp is dam near half of what it can use. Endo Steel can free up some tonnage. XL Engine is not a terrible idea either.
I've had the most luck with my JR7-F. Popped 6 Med Lasers, Endo Steel, 15 DBL Heatsinks, XL 270 Engine and maxed armor. JR7-F
And remember, the more obscenities the other team yells at you during the match just means you are a good Jenner pilot.
Have fun out there folks!
edit: just tried this today. if you come over a hill for a look and you see a bunch of targets to lock. mash the R a bunch of times, it will light them up on the map for at least a second or 2 letting everyone know they are "there" at least if little else.
Edited by Leded, 28 July 2013 - 09:47 AM.