Waw, so much hate on. Its not Goonswarms fault that other guilds/ players are not as good as them. Also, you can have plenty of fun in 0.0 space and not be part of a massive alliance. As to "if you pay for your mech it should be indistructable" , i think this is wrong, cuz just like in EvE, if you are dumb with your stuff you deserve to lose it. I mean sheesh, stop beating on goonswarm, cuz if u do to much ima join them just to hunt you winy babys down.
I LIKE doing bad things, ima BAD guy, i wana be that merc that got paid to go into your base JUST to steal your stuff. hell, when the clans come and goonswarm offers me a TimberWolf to betray you, i will! Thats what i LOVE about eve, its for adults, not babys, if you want all the "rules" and "panda loving" people then go play WoW with all the other crybabys.
A game should be difficult, have risks, rewards, loss and triumphs.
If you work for a house unit, then when your mech is distroyed your replacment mech should almost be randomized, just like in TT when you have to roll for mechs. That way there is at least SOME risk to fighting.
And if you wana be a merc? well then there should be MORE risk but MORE reward.
Just like in EvE, if you work for a house its like living in Empire space, its all peicfull, doint really ever lose anything and u work for goverment.
ware if you are a merc its more like living in 0.0 space or lowsec, more risk, but more fun, and more rewarding.
and god i hope some of u watched my vid at the times i specified to watch. i love games that are challenging, is everyone like this? no, there are far to many fuzzy panda people shouting about how "hard" it is for that. I am sure there are MANY players that love a game that is challenging, and that my friends, is one of the things that people love about EvE, its HARD, period.
Anyways, just everyone should stop bashing goonswarm for there playstile. MWO is a differint game with a fresh start. I saw we let it go for awhile before we start bashing on goonswarm like people, or god help me ill make a merc unit with there name just to honer them and then play like them, and take contracts just to distroy as many players as i can >