Nicholas Carlyle, on 21 July 2013 - 11:45 AM, said:
A little civility would be appreciated. I gave a very specific answer detailing exactly (in two posts no less) why one would use a cap, including hypothetical examples of why one would be motivated to do so. I drew one such example from a common event in many competitive 8-man drops. I've also never said that capping was 'exciting' in and of itself, but a win by the hair-of-the-neck can be. I mostly just stated that capping is a tool... and I get the impression you didn't really follow my discussion points at all. Please, if you don't like a mechanic, by all means continue the crusade, don't be so dismissive of other opinions just because you don't agree with them; I gave you credit for your preferences, a little mutual respect would be nice.
Thanks for the discussion.